wish me luck!

she said she aint been leaking lol and has no idea how its happend
i had a quick look for what could be causing it cos i didnt have a clue about it, looks like it could be caused by the pre-eclampsia

( http://www.babycenter.com/refcap/pregna ... 460.html#2 )

What could be causing this problem?
Experts don't always know what causes low amniotic fluid. It's most common late in your third trimester, particularly if you're overdue. The later in pregnancy the condition develops, the better the outlook for your baby. Here are some of the most common causes:

Leaky or ruptured membranes
A small tear in your amniotic membranes allows some fluid to leak out. This can happen at any point in your pregnancy but it's more common as you approach delivery. You may notice the leaking fluid yourself if you find that your underwear is wet, or your practitioner may discover it during an exam.

A ruptured membrane can increase both your and your baby's risk of infection because it provides a way for bacteria to enter the uterus. Occasionally, a tear will heal on its own, the leaking will stop, and the fluid will return to normal. (This is usually the case if the leaking happens after an amniocentesis.)

Placenta problems
A problem with your placenta, such as a partial abruption, keeps it from supplying enough blood and nutrients to your baby and causes him to stop recycling fluid.

Certain medical conditions
As mentioned above, certain conditions, such as chronic high blood pressure, preeclampsia, diabetes, and lupus, can result in low amniotic fluid levels.

Carrying twins or multiples
You're also at risk for low fluid levels if you're carrying twins or multiples. Oligohydramnios is likely in the case of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome in which the donor twin suffers from too little amniotic fluid while the recipient twin creates too much.

Fetal abnormalities
If you're found to have low amniotic fluid in your first or second trimester, it may mean that your baby has a birth defect. If his kidneys aren't there or aren't developing properly (Potter's syndrome) or his urinary tract is blocked, your baby won't produce enough urine to maintain the level of amniotic fluid. A congenital heart defect can also cause this problem.
Peoples fluid can just go down without there being a leak or rupture of membranes. Hope she's alright today xx
i think u asked how it goes back up...baby pee i got told lol...i think fluid gets recycled in there...luvly :think: hope shes doin ok
I know she's bored and frustrated but they dont keep people in for nothing nowadays so unless her and Madi are 100% stay put!

I hope she gets to come home soon keep us posted.
Minime said:
I know she's bored and frustrated but they dont keep people in for nothing nowadays so unless her and Madi are 100% stay put!

yeah thats what i told her
have been thinking of you all, thanks for keeping us updated xx
hevs just seen the doc and is in again tonight, we'v got a scan in a little while to check the placentas ok and workin right
hevwithbump said:
hevs just seen the doc and is in again tonight, we'v got a scan in a little while to check the placentas ok and workin right

Good luck to you and Hev with the scan hun!! Let us know how it goes!!

Bet she is itching to get out of hospital but better to be in there till its safe aye!
yeah tell as much as we'd all love to haev her back on the forum, we'd much rather her healthy and happy with a happy madi before we see her, till then tell the doctors you got our permission to keep her locked up in hospital :D
hevs fluid has only gone up 0.6, went from 4.9 - 5.5, said she thought all this week that her proteins been +3 but it isnt its alot closer to +4 still and her BP was up again last night 160/100 i think she said, i normally look at her notes but midwifes had it today
Take it they are keeping her in for more observation then?
Good that it's gone up a little, sounds like she is going to be in till they induce :(
Hope she is ok, hopes she doesn't get toooooo bored - and hope baby madi arrives soon so that they can come home for a change of scenery! :pray:
hope Hevs not too bored, bet all shes thinkin about is gettin little Madi out now!!
mummykay said:
hope Hevs not too bored, bet all shes thinkin about is gettin little Madi out now!!

she's pretty bored, hevs got someone to talk to but she's being transfered to another ward tomoz for a section, so hev will be on her own again :cry: i try and phone/txt as much as pos but she's still bored out of her brains

and yeah, she was wondering today how she could get madi out lol, she's gonna go for a jog around the hospital later :rotfl: :rotfl:

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