William 25/11/2010


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2010
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Well when i thought about writing this, i thought it would start off with waking up on the morning of the 25th and going in for a section, William had other ideas though lol...

On Wednesday 24th i had a few pains through the day and thought nothing of them as thought he was either laying funny or id pulled myself moving, we got the girls from school and dropped them off at my mums, had 2 pains while we was there, we decided to go for dinner just me and OH kinda the last meal as a couple for awhile, which was about 7pm and the whole time i was having pains which were 10 mins apart, they were bearable, i said to OH lets go home, ill have a bath and if it is labour the pains will carry on, and if not they will go away, i was still getting them in the bath so decided to try and get some sleep and try and hang out as long as i can before phoning hospital, at half 11 we decided to phone the hospital as i didnt want to be to dialated for them to give me a spinal for the section and i didnt want to be put to sleep. they told us to make our way to the hospital so they can check if they are contractions
We got there at midnight, got strapped to the monitor and got told the doctor was busy and would be in with us as soon as he can but labour ward was very busy so could be a long wait, at 3am the doctor checked me and said my cervix was thinned out, closed but could make me 1cm dialated, this check made the contractions more painful and speed up to 5 mins apart, they gave me pethadine at 3:25am to try and slow things down, it didnt take the edge of the pain and they continued to go from 5 mins to 3 mins then to 4 mins, they checked me twice more and nothing had changed, at 7am they said as i wasnt in active labour they would leave me for the section that i was booked in for, at around half 8 they started getting things ready for the section, i met the people who were going to be in the op with me, midwife said she would be the one who takes the baby so i gave her my "section birth plan" then only to be told half hour later it would be someone else, so went through what i wanted with her, she gave me the hump right from the start, her attitude was well it will go how its meant to go no matter what you want, and ill speak to the doctor and see what he says, and then she told me i would only get skin to skin for 10 mins as its to cold in there...
we went in at 9 something, they did the spinal, got me all sorted and screen up, OH allowed in and the op started at 9:44am the screen wasnt dropped like i requested, William was born at 9:47am the cord was cut to short for OH to trim which really p*ssed me off, he was placed on me for a matter of seconds before she said ill just dry him off and bring him back over, which i agree'd to as he was slipping off me, OH went over with him and filmed what she was doing, while she had him over there i said might aswell weigh him before bringing him back and she just took forever over doing it all, she gave him his vit k shot, he screamed :( placed name tags on him, which he didnt like as his feet were bent up from being in my tum and were purple, she then placed a hat on him and a nappy, took him over to be weighed, turned the machine on, placed the towel on then him, then decided that she needed his hat and nappy off then realised she needed the towel on the machine before turning it on :wall2: stupid cow being doing the job for years and seemed like she was doing it wrong just to annoy me, he weighed 7lb 2oz and then he got placed back on me, at last :) i got a cuddle for about 10 mins when he was taken to recovery with OH while they sorted me out and put me onto a bed, OH was having skin to skin in recovery which was lovely and then he was placed back on me when i got there and stayed there for a good few hours and breastfed within the hour of being born :dance: the recovery nurse was lovely and made up for the horrible one which was nice, she even came to see me the next day to see how we were doing.
William slept really well the first night but the ward was so noisy and kept me awake i asked to go home friday and was home friday night :dance:
Were both doing really well and im still breastfeeding and he is perfect in every way, ill upload some piccies in a mo:)

If you read through all of that well done, and thank you everyone for the support and pregnancy talks, im going to miss the bump and feeling him inside but loving everyday with him :D


Aw congratulations!!!! He's gorgeous x
Beautiful beautiful beautiful!

What a gorgeous family too - bet you're so proud.

Congratulations xxx
Well done and congrats! And well done for biting your tongue with the midwife lol lovely story, he's very cute :) x
he is adorable hun congrats!!! really he is a heartbreaker!!! xx
Aww gorgeous little man! Shame that midwife was such a pain but you got your cuddles in the end :)
i meant to add that ur girls r lush too !! im sure theyll b a great help to you xx
hes gorgeous :O

an whats so freaking is my last c-section was exactly the same as yours with how it happend the the crap care i got an to top it off my son when he arrived was 7lbs 2 oz haha how weird is all this congratulations hunni! x
congratulations!!! Hes so gorgeous and thats a lovely photo of your family :hug:
Congratulations, what a beautiful lil family :)
congrats on your cute little boy!! know what you mean about missing the bump xx
Aww great piccies, the girls look almost as proud as daddy does!!!
Congratulations hun, gorgeous little family you have there :) xxx
Thank you everyone, i still cant believe hes here and how perfect he is, every time he crys the girls rush over to him to make sure hes ok, they are so cute with him :D
aww what a lovely family xx

that mw is a right old cow bag!!

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