Isabella Rose Brady 25/07/11


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2010
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Hi all!

I never really understood just how busy a new baby keeps you - now I do! It's taken me almost 2 weeks to announce that my baby girl is here - and arrived on her due date!

Saturday 23rd July 9pm ish - I was starting to feel weird and getting aches across my tummy and back; bounced on my ball a lot and they kept getting stronger.
Went to bed around 11pm and had a few spots of blood, decided I'd better try and get some sleep before it really started!
Woke up around 2 am and the pains were getting stronger and closer together - about every 15 mins.
As a carrier of Group B Strep I had to go into hospital when the contractions were 10mins apart so they could start the IV anti biotics.
Around 4am I decided to get up and have a bath as sleep wasn't an option anymore - as soon as I was in the bath they started coming every 5 - 6 mins and getting stronger every time! By this point my hubby was up and bouncing off the walls, so I got him to help me shave my legs etc!

Rang the hospital around 5am and they told me to come straight in so off we went - in the car the contractions were coming every 5mins still and really taking my breath away.
Once settled into a delivery room I was examined - OUCH! And found to be only 2cm!!! I couldn't believe it was already that painful and I was only 2cm! Because of my group B strep they wouldn;t send me home but told me to go for a walk as my waters were still intact, so we walked round the hospital and park for about 3 hours, still contracting every 5 mins, then a REALLY big one hit me when we were in a park and my waters gushed EVERYWHERE! I couldn't help but laugh; so we went back up to our room where 4 doctors tried and failed to get the cannula in my hand for the anti biotics - the last one managed it but I had holes, bruises and blood all over my hands from all the attempts! Grrrr.... They decided as my waters had gone and I had an IV anyway they'd start the Syntocin (?) to speed things up.

They left me for a few hours and things just went crazy from then; the contractions were mental and more painful than anything I could have imagined, I went as long as I could with nothing then went on to gas and air - it was ok but only changed my perception of the pain rather than stopping the pain!
They decided to examine me again as my contractions were really strong on the monitor thing - STILL 2CM!!! I was so gutted and cried thinking I was useless, the midwife said baby was sat sideways so her head wasn't pressing against my cervix as effectively as it could be; she advised I had an epidural as there was still a way to go, I jumped at the chance and within half an hour the anaesthetist was there and WOW, that is some gooooood sh*t! Could still feel the sensation of a contraction but not the crazy pain which was such a relief.
I managed to doze a bit and completely lost track of time, but things started to go a bit wrong and baby was getting distressed, she pooed and then the next thing I knew there were 2 doctors in the room looking at the trace and under my sheets, telling me I was bleeding and they needed to put a monitor on babys head and take some blood from her! I was so spaced out they did all this without me really noticing - but they told me I was 10cm and may be able to start pushing as long as baby could cope!
They came back a few mins later and said I could try pushing for a bit, but they were going to prep theatre for an assisted delivery and if baby wasn't out by the time they were prep'd then I'd be going down there.
My god did I ever push! But her heart rate was dropping every time so they stopped me and whisked me off to theatre where I was prepped for a c-section so had a spinal block etc; luckily they managed to get her out by manually turning her round then forceps - episiotomy and 2 pushes and she was out!

It was incredible, seeing her after all those months was just amazing, they had to whisk her off as she'd inhaled meconium so she disappeared with my husband for a while whilst I was stitched up; when I saw him come back into the room holding our baby grinning his face off it was just amazing!!!

Recovery hasn't been the most fun, because of the spinal block I had to have a catheter which has given me an infection, the stitches aren't half as bad as I'd imagined though!

All in all it was an amazing, intense experience - every time I look at her I know every ache and pain was worth it!

Good luck to all you ladies still to deliver, and congratulations to all of you who have had your babies since the last time I was on here!
Congratulations and the birth of your precious little girl, I'm.sorry you had such a traumatic time and baby too, but so pleased to hear that you are both ok now xxx

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