WHY !!!!!!!!!!

I lost my baby at 8 weeks and it was awful i couldnt even imagine going through something like that.
Init !
I really want to try for another baby :( But like i said before im so scared that i might m/c again and i dont think i could go through that again.
I felt exactly the same it is so scary but you have to try not to think about it easier said then done i no but i am now 10 weeks and found out wen i was 5 weeks i hated the fact that i found out so early but wen i started to relax the time has gone quickly hope this helps xx
congrats ! :)
can i ask how long after your m/c did you ttc?
there is alittle bit of history with this: my OH was with his x 3 years and they never used protection but never got pregnant! so i had just got with my OH and he knew how brudy i was and one night he sat in tears (effect of alcohol too!) and told me that he didnt think he could have kids so my world just crashed (we had just moved in together too so it was a serious relationship) but i decided to not think about it till the time come that we would actually want to try, 7 months later i fall pregnant with no extra help or anything so we were both godsmacked to say the least but decided that we just must be compatable this was the baby that we lost i lost on feb 20th so it has been 5 months roughly, we started trying again (cuz we knew it was what we wanted cuz of how gutted we were wen i miscaride) 3 months later cuz that was how long we were told to wait, but this time i tryed something different i told pronatal they are vitamins that do everything help you get pregnant cuz they have folice acid in keep you healthy, but most of all wen you are pregnant they make your baby healthy, you can take them all the way through even through breast feeding! we had only been trying a month and caught straight away i was expecting a long haul,

Sorry i have waffled on but i hope this helps it just proves that there is light at the end of the tunnel for all of us, i was just very lucking but i swear by these tablets and would recommend them to anybody (i have posted this on the trying to concieve forum too) i just hope that they help someone else like they have helped me!

PM if you want to talk babe i rememeber exactly how i felt, but if you dont want to talk about that we could just have a giggle :lol:

Look After Yourself

Liann xx
Aww !
Youve just cheered me up a bit...when i hear something good hehe.
Do you think i should go the doctors !?
To get checked up.
A midwife was supposed to be coming round after i came out of hospital, but no sign of one yet :( !
I dont think i can take anymore internals ! they kill :( LOl they hurt me anyway dont know about anyone else !

:( I know this sounds really awful but me and my boyfriend are seperated and all i want in my life is my baby, after loosing my first :( xx
I was exactly the same i was lucky i was still sorry am still with my fella so we just started trying again, are the problems not solvable between you and your bf? why did you split up if you dont mind me asking??
Erm after my uncle killed himself in march, he found it a bit hard to cope and i became depressed.
We split up cause of this big misunderstanding !
Things just went down hill from there...
Well as if you needed that on top of everything sounds to me that he werent really ready to grow up anyway! i no how you feel about wanting a baby now! i was exactly the same, i got so delutional that my first period after my miscarage was an implatation bleed i hadnt even had sex! it becomes obsessive and totally rules your life, the next month i decided i had to chill out and take what ever life threw at me, and it decided to throw a BFP, i was over the moon but scared hence the name, i have been coming on this site since i was 5 weeks and only started to relax then but it is still so hard, the only advice i could give you is try and get yourself ready first start taking the tablets so that wen the time is right both of you will be healthy xx
At the moment i think im anemic and i dont want anything to decrease my chances of getting pregnant.
Time isnt on my side but im thinking, what if i only have one chance with my ex again,to try for a baby and i try to early or too late !
I dont think i can wait til my next period !
I was exactly the same babe! and as its you i will tell you i did try again in the first month and nothing happened it was my bodies way of telling me no i think! you increase the risk of miscarring again if you get pregnant in the first three months, i no this is really difficult babe and i was exactly the same as you, still would be if i hadnt of caught but take some time for you to recover, i told you how obsessed i got and it did me no good, just trying to help sweetie i no you probably wont want to listen to this advice cuz someone said it to me and i didnt want to listen!



:( !
You know the vitamins you took..do you think i will be able to take them,cause im underage.
Im going to be patient *tries very hard*... :shock: :shock:
lol x
It is hard sweetie but will be the best in the long run for you, still start taking the tablets now they will help you feel so much better they did me..... XxXxXxX
I've got my fingers crossed for you....
obviously its best to wait till you get past the first 3 months, just to give your body time to heal.
Does it matter to you if your ex sticks around afterwards, i mean, if you want him to stick around maybe you're best waiting for someone who will stand by you no matter what, regardless of how low you get and what happens in your life? (i don't mean that in a bad way btw!)

Theres this major part of me that wants to get pregnant straight away, and has got all fingers and toes crossed that i'm pregnant now, but i know physically and mentally i'm not ready.

Saturday will be a month since I miscarried, its going to be very very hard, and Sunday is my birthday.. so i'm just not looking forward to this weekend!

If my broodyness can hold out for a couple of months, i'm hoping to start ttc in the new year... it just seems so so long away!!!!

Lots of love to all

HayleyB said:
I've got my fingers crossed for you....
obviously its best to wait till you get past the first 3 months, just to give your body time to heal.
Does it matter to you if your ex sticks around afterwards, i mean, if you want him to stick around maybe you're best waiting for someone who will stand by you no matter what, regardless of how low you get and what happens in your life? (i don't mean that in a bad way btw!)

Theres this major part of me that wants to get pregnant straight away, and has got all fingers and toes crossed that i'm pregnant now, but i know physically and mentally i'm not ready.

Saturday will be a month since I miscarried, its going to be very very hard, and Sunday is my birthday.. so i'm just not looking forward to this weekend!

If my broodyness can hold out for a couple of months, i'm hoping to start ttc in the new year... it just seems so so long away!!!!

Lots of love to all


Thank you, i understand totally. I would have been 13 weeks today, the last 3 weeks have been the longest weeks for me :(

Fingers crossed that you are pregnant now :D I must say i admire you for your patience ! The one up side to it, is that now i can do all my gcse's ! Plus when i get a job, i will be able to support my baby financially,I hope everything works out :D For me and for everybody else !
hey missy, just a quick note to say you know where i am if u need me.. you can talk to me about anything hun, im a great listener :) love2u always xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I lost my 1st baby in March 04 and had to have a D&C as soon as the bleeding had stopped me and oh started trying again but after a week it just hit me that i wasn't ready, what if i lost another one so soon? i couldn't have coped so i went back on the pill and as the weeks went on it got easier until everyone around me started getting pregnant, i used to cry when ever i was on my own, people that haven't been through it just dont understand what you go through and how you get attached to your unborn child so early on.

I went to see a clairvoyant a couple of years ago and was told that i would have 3 pregnancies but only 2 children at the time i thought nothing of it, but then in Feb this year i found out i was pregnant again and at 4 1/2 weeks started bleeding i was devastated and left it a week before going to the dr as i didnt want bad news again, when they sent me for scan there was a pole and a heart beat, from that time on i kept thinking about what the clairvoyant said and this has helped me get as far as i have with this pregnancy (not sure if you've read my previous posts but have had nothing but problems)

Good luck to you and keep strong, you will get through this and one day you will have the baby that you've dreamed of.

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