Sorry for the moan but i would have been 13 weeks today and feeling quite sad about it as my scan was this thursday
My friend at work is having her scan thursday as well and i cant help but keep thinking they gave her my slot
Does everyone else keep thinking like this? With the dates i mean,
I have a friend at work who lost her baby just before me and she would have been 23 weeks this week and we have been quite good for each other at work really we are both just as obsessed with TTC and it really helps
Just needed a quick moan ..

My friend at work is having her scan thursday as well and i cant help but keep thinking they gave her my slot

Does everyone else keep thinking like this? With the dates i mean,
I have a friend at work who lost her baby just before me and she would have been 23 weeks this week and we have been quite good for each other at work really we are both just as obsessed with TTC and it really helps
Just needed a quick moan ..