i've lost my bean.:(update again pg3


Im so sorry to have read this take as much time as you need and im here for you anytime please PM me anytime you need anything i really mean that

:hug: :hug:
so sorry for yr loss , wanna chat im here too :)

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
so sorry pet lamb
give yourself time to heal
all my love and hugs
just a quick note to say i had medical management yesterday, and it's messed my head up yet again.
but i have tried to put things in to reason why it's happened and i am getting there slowly.

Thank you all for your kind words and support, it's nice to know i've got somewhere to turn. :hug:

here's to things changing now. :pray:
oh babe i am soooo sorry to hear this. i hope you are feeling a bit better soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Well i've just been for my re-scan after medical management and all seems to have passed which i'm glad as i didn't want to go through the ordeal of a D + C it was enough with medical management. :|

I had my last look at the scan picture of my baby, :cry: which i have left at the hospital in my notes, i just didn't know what i wanted to say or do when i was looking at the pic but i said my goodbye and there will always be a place in my heart for my baby. :cry:

so i thought i'd update you ladies who have been a tower of strength for me, and i hope my heart heals in time. :cry:
aww so sorry for your loss and glad u were able to say goodbye to your precious lil baby :)

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