

Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2009
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I know i said i wouldnt be around for a wjile lol, but WHY am i not bleeding?

Im a week late come tomorrow....and have a blood test to confirm im defo not preggo anymore, so why??

aww hun :hug: have u been to the docs anymore? Did they offer u any help,advice etc after u had the blood test? xxx
Hi Ema, I'm afraid I cant offer any advice but didnt want to read and run. I hope things get back to normal for you soon xx
no advice, just told by the receptionist that it was neg...

think i might book an appointment next week and ask x
hi mrs, am so sorry ur not preg. i think its weird af isnt here. i will tell u when i first found out i was preg which was v early my doctor wouldnt do a blood test straightaway as he said that they still come up neg sometimes :s he made me wait a few days and when they tested me it was neg but as i was sure they tested me 3 days later and it was positive. im really sorry and im not trying to get your hopes uo but ur af should be here so push to get it checked out. go to out of hours and tell them ur stressing they should do summit xx
I would if i was u hun,u need answers xxxx
5/6 days first time and then 3 days after that x when i asked doc bout it he said that they dont use as good a tests as we would buy eg cbd. that they use cheaper ones and if someone is positive they are they just tell them to come back in few days. second time i was preg they didnt even test me they just told me to wait till scan as i had done cbd and a diff doc said there wasnt even any point in retesting. i feel like shit if im falsely getting your hopes up hun but thats what happened me and ur next baby will def be ur little miracle!! xx
i keep welling up....

thank you lisa....i just dont understand why im not bleeding yet. x
It's all very strange Hun, if nothing by Tuesday I'd go back to the doctors.
Maybe your not bleeding because you are stressing about it all, which is completely understandable, I would be exactly the same.
Fingers crossed you get it sorted soon though x x x
still no show :-( im officailly 8days late now.

yesterday i had LOADS of CM to the point i actually thought "it" had past...and now have to wear a pad but no blood, i just dont understand my body at the moment. One min im preggo, the next im not but not bleeding either!!

and to make matters worse....had a crappy day at work. im sore (tummy), tired, done two 12hr shifts in a row, the plumber came today to fix my leeky radiator, which resulted in him taking the radiator off and spraying black water all over my walls, carpet and couch!!
when at work a client wanted a boiled egg for tea, so i was making it, it was just starting to boil when she wanted it NOW~! i told her it wouldnt be ready....but she wanted it anyway...gave her it and she looked at it in disgust and wanted it put bk on....em....ok!
So i put it back on and it just started to boil again when she demanded it again, said it wasnt ready but yet again she wanted it, so she got it and said to me .....
"when you get home, learn how to cook!" the cheek of it!!

THEN i was getting bed making tips from another....its just been THAT kind of day! thank god its nearly over.

I love my job to bits, caring and helping elderly and disabled....but these two women take the piss out of us and treat us like servents and its got to me today .

I just want to cry....

I have no idea what my body is doing, this is the 2nd time in a row ive ben late and im normally like clockwork and i thought with the confirmed "chemical pregancy" that it would pass, but im still waiting...

I stood in the shower for half an hour just sobbing my heart out, think after today its all caught up on me xx
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Aww hun sorry to hear you've had a bad day, I hope that you can get some answers soon,
Its not fair that your going through all of this and you are still in Limbo as you havent bled yet,
Definately get back into the doctors hun and see what they can sort out for you,

x x x
Oh Hun :hug: I really hope you get some answers soon
I really dont know hun, I cant believe you are having to go through this though. I would go back to the docs and demand help and answers.
:hug: so sorry to hear you are going through this.
I would say definately go back to the doctors and demand a test and explanations from them or the hospital as some things dont add up right and its stressing you out more.

I don't want to give you force hope and I hope this is the case for you if you still don't have a bleed... but there has been some cases where people have been pregnant and get told they have mc only to find out a month or few months later that they are still pregnant.
Hun I am really thinking of you as I can imagine how hard it is for you at the moment.
Please try to relax more and hopefully everything will come naturally. I'd say try and get some time off work as you sound like you need it. You need to try and get your head around things, not have added stress and get answers from the NHS.
All my love and best wishes :hug:
Hi ema

Sorry to hear you are going through this and you must be so frustrated just now.

I would definately get back to the docs because if you did have a chemical pregnancy and you're not bleeding then it could be a sign of infection or that there is something else wrong.

Whatever happens, i hope you can find some answers xxx
oh lovely sorry i missed this i cant believe you are going though this xxx thinking of you really hope you can get some answers from the doctors as its strange too be that late xxx
ema is on couch the now.. lol

she says no.. nothing and now 9 days late.

i aint got a clue what to think anymore..

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