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Sorry if this is a TMI question but what is everyone's CM like? Mine has just about dried up today

I felt something it felt like a hard round ball obv can't tell if high or low as its the first time I ever really checked lol. Does that sound about right?

I start positive from the day AF arrives then I'm up and down.
This time I feel like I'm def not preggers but I'm not disappointed I just think that's the most likely outcome. Obv other times I go feel disappointed. Then other times I just don't know what I feel. Probably think the whole thing is driving me potty!!

Anyway it's Friday ladies so happy Friday, so glad I have no work tomorrow xxx
Sorry if this is a TMI question but what is everyone's CM like? Mine has just about dried up today


I haven't checked since this morning but I still feel wet. I feel like AF is here if that makes sense :/ My daughters just gone to bed and I was planning on checking soon anyway. Once she settles I will let you know lol You should know by now that tmi isn't possible here! Haha xx
I felt something it felt like a hard round ball obv can't tell if high or low as its the first time I ever really checked lol. Does that sound about right?

I start positive from the day AF arrives then I'm up and down.
This time I feel like I'm def not preggers but I'm not disappointed I just think that's the most likely outcome. Obv other times I go feel disappointed. Then other times I just don't know what I feel. Probably think the whole thing is driving me potty!!

Anyway it's Friday ladies so happy Friday, so glad I have no work tomorrow xxx

That's right ! Where was it? Did it feel like your lips or top of the nose? Open/closed?
You can judge AF arrival based on it. Not an exact science though lol

I feel crazy some days! Lol stay positive xx
I don't think I've any other symptoms. I had a BFN this afternoon. I would be surprised if this is the cycle, but obviously very pleased!

I got my previous BFPs at 13dpo, so if it is negative tomorrow then that will be my last remaining shred of positivity gone. I'm struggling this cycle to be honest, it is all getting too much I'm so fed up. This is year four ttc our first now and it is starting to take its toll!

It's so very hard hun but your time will come and will be all more special for your struggles.
I started ttc my second when my daughter was 7 and she was 19 when he finally arrived so in a way I know how tough it can be. I'm sure like me your rainbow will arrive and keep trashing your house and smacking your TV very soon. Xxx
I seem to be feeling everything on my left side. Cervix has went left. Twinges and cramps on the left side.

CM is a mix of Wateryish/Creamy/Lotiony
You probably ovulated on that side xX
More than likely. I am itching to poas, wish it wasnt so early
Anyone else experiencing really really sore nippls? Like clothes touching them is really uncomfortable? LittleDalla? Xxx
No nothing like that. But it is rare that I suffer sore boobs or nipples aroud AF either
Ahh, fair enough <3 how are you feeling today? I saw you've had some cramps/twinges? Xxx
Okay, I caved in lol took another test. The same brand that didn't show much this morning. I'm pretty sure there is a line! I'm still not counting it as a positive just yet. It's early and the line is almost there if that makes sense. I'm not to bothered about the line not getting much darker yet. But I NEED to lay of testing for a few days so I don't go crazy lol but at the same time not testing drives me crazy! Haha

I get tingly nipples. It happened a few days ago.

Clover.. I'm still having watery Cm.



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I have been checking though incase they have decided to hurt this cycle aha
Yeahh just some small ones, Cervix has moved left (never noticed this before) CM keeps changing also. TMI been having diarrhoea lately, I am being tested for IBS so may be that, and had a headache for the past 2 days.
How have you been?
95% sure I see something slb xxx

I'm not counting it as a positive until I get dark lines! I've had too much false hope the last few months! I honestly don't want to feel that down again. Hopefully by mid next week I can announce a BFP! Haha cx
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Queasy but that's fairly normal for me. Had a bit of a pain in my left hip flexor which was a bit random. A slight twinge in my womb and feeling a bit dizzy. Mainly it's the sore nipples that are causing me the most grief! Oh and my boobs feel heavy xxx

Can you see what I see? :D


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