Who's left????


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2005
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Who's left off the original list now, is there only Layla and Katrina (saulino) crossed off? Tiny sue as well.

Anyone else gone in or are in labour??

Jan 2 ....... Cath76
Jan 2 ....... sarah113
Jan 2 ....... Stacyt
Jan 3 ....... trevinosbaby
Jan 10 ..... lows_wales

The rest update regular but i haven't seen posts off these yet.

I presume everyone else is still waiting, like me!! :roll:
not seen a post from any of the mentioned, how are they filling their time if they haven't had their babies as I am going mad!!!!
I am bored and want the baby out asap but nothing is happening and I really don't think I can wait another 2 weeks. If I call the hospital having a screaming fit and throwing a paddy do you think they will do anything???? Is it worth a try?? Anyone tried throwing a paddy? Did baby or hospital respond? Getting desperate and willing to try anything...none of Petchys stuff worked!!!! :D
I thought it was fairly common for first babies to be late - I'm counting on it!! I also read somewhere today that only 4% of babies (that's 1 in 25!) arrive on thier EDD.

Has anyone done a poll on whether babies were born before, after, or on target?
My midwife said the same thing but I really am ready now!!! Every morning I beg it to come out, lol
did any of you try the clary sage? dont know if to try it or not :roll: i bought some today but still not sure :!:

i've tried it all,

They should give you a due date week, then you are not as anxious about baby coming out on a set date!!

I thought baby was going to fall out of me about 5 minutes ago, the sharp pains and pushing down i had i couldn't even stand up- and my waters still haven't gone! :roll:

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