Little bump ???


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2011
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Hi girls,

How's everyone keeping? Just having a quick 5 mins of catching up on posts and wanted to say hiya to you all!!!! :wave:

I'm starting to get a bit of a complextion.... It's been happening now for about 2 weeks. Everyone I see asks how I'm doing which is lovely (despite getting bored of repeating myself every 5 mins) but whats getting me the most is how all the women i know who've had babies (including a retired midwife) have been commenting on how small my bump is despite only having 9 weeks left.
I bumped into a friend tonight who I haven't seen for a few weeks only for her to tell me how gorgeous and glowing I was and how teeny my bump is for being so far along.
I know all bumps come in different shapes and sizes and I shouldn't be worried but its starting to become a regular thing and at least 4 people have said that same thing to me just this evening.....!! :shock:

I got measured at my last MW's appointment and everything was ok. However since then I've had a few blood tests and everything has come back low especially my iron levels and looking back, I probably haven't been eating much at all with all the stresses of my grandad dying last week i just haven't been looking after myself, even OH has noticed and has started telling me off. I'm getting worried now that she's gonna be too small and have problems. Im back to see MW next wednesday for my next check up and I'm praying LO is measuring the right size else i think I'm gonna worry myself mad til she makes an appearence and I know she's ok!!

Not really any point in this post but just needed to get it off my chest I guess.

So sorry to hear about your granddad :-( no wonder you haven't felt like eating much, try and look after yourself.

For weeks everyone has been telling me I look really neat and can't be as far on as I am. Was at a wedding at 6 months and someone said I only looked 4 months! Then this week in marks and spencers, the lady behind the counter asked how much longer and when I said 6 weeks she looked at me shocked and said her friend is the same size and me and about to give birth!!! It can be quite insulting/annoying as I still think I look neat! It's strange how people comment on bumps and they don't realise how it can upset the mum.

My midwife said it's a nice neat bump but at my growth scan blump is measuring big, so it's really hard to tell what size he will be from outside.

Even though you haven't been eating properly, please try not to worry as baby will still be getting everything they need from you, it will just be you that's suffering (hope that makes sense hun). Hope you feel better soon x

Hey don't worry, I get it all the time too, even midwife and 4d sonographer commented, funny though as baby measuring a week ahead on 4d scan and just right when midwife measured fundus height. We all just carry differently and have various amounts of water retention etc. I just remember it's less saggy belly to get rid of afterwards and I've not got stretch marks yet..... Didn't you have the opposite early on when people thought you were further on?
It can all depend on how much fluid you carry too. I've gone huge recently - dont worry about people saying you look small - I wish I did!!
Hey hun- don't worry! I read an article recently that bump size doesn't necessarily indicate the size of the inhabitant! I'm sure that LO is fine- if anything you will suffer from not eating so well, not LO as they take all they need from you and you just make do with whateva is left!......Have a chat to your MW but try not to worry!......I am fed up of comments that I am gonna have a big baby and that I look 'big' for where I'm at, but I know this must be annoying either way, small or large! You've been dealing with a lot recently, try not to be hard on yourself hun, you're doing the best you can and I am sure LO will be fine xxxx
I have the opposite problem.

I was talking to somebody the other day, who was also pregnant, and she said to me - Are you having twins as well ?

I was like - Am I really that big!?

I'm a very slim person though, so that makes the bump look even bigger I guess.
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oh I know I get same comments all the time... Starts to get on my nervs!

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