Hi girls, i went to a friends birthday BBQ earlier and am feeling abit low after it to be honest, it was at my friends mums so her family was there aswell (who i get along with really well) but ive not seen them since ive been pregnant.
Basically everyone was asking like a million questions i felt really bombarded, i know its to be expected when your pregnant that people like to show interest but some of their questions and their replies have made me feel abit crap. Like when they asked how long i had left they answered straight after with things like "ooh not long left then, have you got everything ready incase he comes early as it could be anytime now" so i was like "well we've got some things, like loads of clothes, OH's mum is making a hamper with all stuff in (like nappies, shampoos, cotton wool, baby vests, nappy cream etc) and weve got some nappies, a changing table, a baby bath and moses basket with a rocking stand etc" and they were looking at me shocked saying "so you havent even got the pram yet then?!? Or a car seat or the cotbed??" it felt like they were really criticizing me like we should have everything and just be waiting around for LO to arrive.
Then they asked about names, now me and my OH have had 2 names in mind for weeks now that ive told my friends about before but suddenly when i said them some of my friends and my friends family had an opinion on them like "oh well i like that 1 but the other 1 sounds abit lardy-da! I dont like it" now i know everyone has their own opinions on things like names but i would never say to someone that i didnt like their childs possible future name!!
And a friend commented on how much food i was eating, i only had 2 sausages 1 burger and some salad
is that alot then, i really wish i hadnt bothered going to the BBQ now as i also felt awkward as hell when leaving as everyone else was going out for the night clubbing so i didnt want to stay too long not knowing when they'd all be getting ready, i was there for a good 3hours though but my friend who's birthday it was went abit off with me cos i was leaving early
Sorry for the rant everyone just needed to get that out!!
Basically everyone was asking like a million questions i felt really bombarded, i know its to be expected when your pregnant that people like to show interest but some of their questions and their replies have made me feel abit crap. Like when they asked how long i had left they answered straight after with things like "ooh not long left then, have you got everything ready incase he comes early as it could be anytime now" so i was like "well we've got some things, like loads of clothes, OH's mum is making a hamper with all stuff in (like nappies, shampoos, cotton wool, baby vests, nappy cream etc) and weve got some nappies, a changing table, a baby bath and moses basket with a rocking stand etc" and they were looking at me shocked saying "so you havent even got the pram yet then?!? Or a car seat or the cotbed??" it felt like they were really criticizing me like we should have everything and just be waiting around for LO to arrive.
Then they asked about names, now me and my OH have had 2 names in mind for weeks now that ive told my friends about before but suddenly when i said them some of my friends and my friends family had an opinion on them like "oh well i like that 1 but the other 1 sounds abit lardy-da! I dont like it" now i know everyone has their own opinions on things like names but i would never say to someone that i didnt like their childs possible future name!!
And a friend commented on how much food i was eating, i only had 2 sausages 1 burger and some salad

Sorry for the rant everyone just needed to get that out!!