Who's due AF today? but still no sign FX :)

Same I'm getting thick white cm and then runnier so keep thinking she is here!! My cheapy hpt's came today after all, first test tomorrow morning but still might be a bit early x x
I had thick white cm a few days ago,now it's kinda watery. Keel getting sharp stabbing pains on my left side xx
Sound pretty similar sarahlouise! Fx :)

Aw that's poop Sarah, keep positive!! X x
we are all getting the same cm! hopefully tats a sign..still nothing for me...no cramps yet either... im always 27/28 day cycle too.. so either im late or with a bit of luck preggo! hmm wish if she was coming tho she would come soon cos im meant to be going camping at the weekend for my partners bday! would have been a nice surprise if i got two lines!!! : )xxx
Still no AF for me, i havent done atest cos i was too scared. How's everyone else getting on?

Im too scared sarah, i just hope i dont come on today cos i have told myself we are doing a test fri morning, but maybe a is just late i dunno. i have no symptoms at all. very odd. im just on permanent knicker watch!!!

Yeah I'm the same..keep going to the toilet lol. Not sure when I'm going to test yet..maybey cycle is just longer this month...xx
Yes maybe thats whats happening to me too... only time will tell... fx for us all xxx
Another bfn for me. No af yet tho. She normally arrives afternoon so I'm sure she will be here soon! Xx
I'm proper stalking this thread! Lots of luck girls xx
Thanks but 14dpo and she normally shows on time so we will see! Xx
So I'm CD31 today and either 15 DPO or 11 DPO. I had really bad cramping this morning and thought AF was coming but I have been up and about, cycling etc. and no sign at all. I also now have cramps that are higher up again like pulling behind my belly button and I feel sick!!!

If she stays away until Sat I am going to test then. I just keep expecting her to arrived and don't want the disapointment of a BFP on a test.
Well tmi but I had a tampon in. Took 2 pain killers and I've been out today. Had pretty bad cramps. Just took tampon out and nothing! Tiny spot on tissue before but that's all! I know she's coming just wish she would hurry up!!
How annoying. I hate it when the witch can't make her mind up. Hope she decides to stay away x
Very annoying! Just been the chemist to get my next 2 months of clomid! I could cry! Been feeling ok all day but now I just want to burst into tears! Xx
Aw Charlie hope your ok. It's crap when she teases like that... Big hugs x x

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