who the hell was i trying to kid??

Awww hun

Reading your first 2 posts I really duno what to say. Your right, its bloody hard having two & my 2 are 7 years apart so I really duno what its like with them so close. I'd like to say its going to be ok, but im not sure, I think you need serious changes for things to be ok. i.e OH doing ALOT more.

I personally think its silly to ttc when LO's are under 2, as you said, its not enough time with 1st LO. But....you manage dont you, just as you manage now, it might be harder but you'll manage & when the two of them are older it'll get alot better, I wont give false hope & say it'll get better soon, but it will get better eventually - that is a definate.

I think you need to sort things with OH b4 new LO comes or could end up disastourous.

yeah mega hard, i think i will have to make a plan of what to do t omake things easier like meals and housework as i don't like doing them when lo is awake unless i really have to, but with 2 i wont get a min. im hoping i will have passed my driving test too, i should have to be fair by december and then i have the option of driving them both to sleep, if petrol isnt about a grand a litre by then! xxx
I dont know who i'd say it all to, ive never met my hv, but do i just ring up and askfor one to come round? I wouldnt even know the number... JM i have noticed he is sensitive to noises likethe hoover and the blender scare him, he used to cry at oh sneezing loudly but it does t bother him now. The shops i go in arent noisy i dont go into clothes shops as they play their music really loud and he cries. But he cries if i go into small tescos, boots, the o2 shop this morning i had to give him a rusk to keep him quiet. He just hates shops in general. Ive even tried putting the hood bsck on the buggy so if he looks up he can see me but he still cries... been going on about 2 months now x

It's a shame no one has given u the details of the hv team in ur area. aOurs r called the 0-19 team and we can ring for pretty much anything. Maybe c if u can find numbee online? Or via ur gp surgery? U can speak to them at weigh in clinic but if its like ours its quite busy and hard to get much time with them, but like JM said u could ask to make an appointment. U need to b honest tho hun and tell that u really don't feel ur coping, otherwise u won't get the right amount of support! Xx
yeah mega hard, i think i will have to make a plan of what to do t omake things easier like meals and housework as i don't like doing them when lo is awake unless i really have to, but with 2 i wont get a min. im hoping i will have passed my driving test too, i should have to be fair by december and then i have the option of driving them both to sleep, if petrol isnt about a grand a litre by then! xxx

Actually - I think your spot on, if you had a plan in place then you could get thro the housework easier. Its very difficult to do bits as they come, esp having 2 LO's. I move LO's seat/cot into the room i'm cleaning & give him something different to play with each time, then I sing to him if he starts moaning.

I do most of my housework at night, I find it's alot easier.. But that's me, you'll find a way of getting things in place to suit you.. Defo have stink about how your day shoul be planned out.. Maybe a routined day will help him like a walk at a certain time and stuff... Xx
yeah, I mean he's been pretty good lately, he used to wake at about 5 or 6 now the earliest he will wake is 7, mostly 8 on good days and will want to go back down about an hour, maybe 90 mins after waking and after breakast.

our weigh in is always packed with people and tiny babies, hardly any are charlie's size and I only go every few months or so. and the wait to see a hv after weighing is usually 10-20 mins so I usually go on here for advice lol. I think I will go in on weds and ask for an appointment.

at the min i do most of the housework when charlie's napping or in the evening or both. I know I won't get to do this when both babies are here, unless I wear the younger one for as long as possible whilst charlie naps and do housework, charlie only lasted about 2 months max in his sling he was a right little fatty.

I'm in a much better mood today even though I'm shattered- not due to charlie I just couldn't get comfy all night and kept waking up every hour. But the reason I'm in a good mood is cause I had a girls name in my head if we have a girl but didn't tell oh as he always hates every name I suggest... anyway he's been suggesting about a million names to me, really daft ones and I like normal simple names that I don't hear much, anyway, he ended up suggesting the name to me! so I said I liked it and he said so did he but that I'll prob get bored of it by december, which I might do but I also told him not to tell friends/family cause we had lots of names last year and most people told us how they didnt like it or it reminded them of someone they didn't like... I've also kept the due date from family a secret as last year really bugged me, every hour of every day around the due date i got the same text 'is the baby here yet?'/'any signs?'

anyway, we decided on calling 'her' if it is a her I still think its a boy...Polly. he wants the name Khaleesi which is from Game of Thrones (some program he watches) and in the program it means Princess I think he said. I'm not that keen on Khaleesi to be honest (car-lee-see) but it's not the first name at least.

And I probably will change my mind at the birth, but for now I like Polly as I don't know anyone with that name :D

watch oh change his bloody mind now xxxx
Aww that's a lovely name babe!! Thanks for sharing with us!! Yeah defo keep it a secret for now! Have you decided on boys names?
Maybe see if there is a diff clinic u can go to? I can go to about 7 in my area.. My gp one is always packed but my sisters one is dead!!
Thanks :D

Yeah I might do actually, I've decided on Freddie but not told oh yet as he is convinced were having a girl. He might not like Freddie but its his confirmation name and I think it was his grandads name too... and it kinda goes well with charlie :D xxx
no not at all, we've already got everything needed for a boy but I wouldn't mind if I had a girl either, I honestly don't mind. I dont wanna know to be honest, rick really wants to find out but I dont want to.

only thing is I wouldn't know what to do with a girl haha! the only girl baby i know is LoopyLou's Harlow and I always feel like I'm gonna break her when I pick her up! haha. xxx
Lol!! It's different when it's someone else's! Aww wellits up to u if u find out or not.. Tbh I'd use Charlie's bits for a girl.. Obv not everything but babies don't care what colour they wear/sit in/play with and they aren't exactly cheap lol!! All you need is a couple of weeks worth of neutral newborn clothes.. Just in case :)
I defo preferred not knowing!! Did u find out with Charlie?
I thought looking after my nephew was gonna be so different as there's 4 girls and he's the only boy but it's the same really.. Only diff is nappy changes girls have more cracks and crevices to clean lol!!
It's good to hear your more positive now babe :) :hug:
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PP :(

I haven't been on in a few days and only just saw this thread.

Im glad you seem to be feeling a bit brighter now though! Lovely names by the way i LOVE Polly.

Were always here!
Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better :)

Polly is such a lovely name and Freddie was one of my choices before we decided on Max!!

Hope things keep getting better for you, loads of love xxx
I love both name choices!

You'll be fine if u have a girl :) , just watch out for the wee! They trick u lol! It's not obvious like it is when lil boys wee when they have no nappy on! The amount of times I've re popped the poppers on her vest and put her pants back on , only then to wonder why she is piss wet through is shocking! X
Awww you guys! Ive downloaded tapatalk and was figuring it all out qnd came across this :D thank you lovely ladies so much.

Oh, really looking forward to girl nappy changes now :/

If it is a girl.

No Jm, we found out with charlie, mainly cause his balls were taking over the scan screen haha!! The midwife was well embarrassed! Xxx

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Lol!!! How funny!!! I could have sworn lily was a boy from three 'potty shots' in the extra scans I had, even the sonographer slipped up and said 'he'.. Turns out she had a belly button hernia that stuck right out :shock: I thought she was a boy when i first looked I'm so glad I double checked before I told OH :rofl: another good reason not to find out.. If we paid for a scan we would have been told she was a boy that would have been awful!! My friend was told she was having a girl after her boy and she bought so much pink even the baby walker and she ended up having another boy. She was heartbroken and had trouble bonding :(

Our boy name was Charlie :D

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