Who has washed all of baby's clothes?

I washed all the second hand stuff already (in fairy non bio with comfort pure fabric conditioner... Smells lvely! ). Will do the newborn and 0-3 months new stuff in the next few weeks so it is al done. Then the bigger stuff as and when it is s needed.
I've washed all the bedding, towels and clothes up to 0-3 months. Used Fairy non bio. Am I the only one who use just a dab of allergy friendly softener too? After checking the labels I tumbled most of it on a low heat. It's mostly cotton after all.
Yes! Of course everything and with good reason!

I'm the opposite to the others and less concerned about the second hand stuff as I know my friends and inlaws who passed it down will have cleaned it first. But definitely wash all the brand new stuff. This is because even stuff from places like mothercare comes from factories in China and similar. The production lines are very unclean, I watched a documentary with rats running over the piles of clothes just before they were sealed into the packaging. Plus the chemicals in the packaging themselves, very high estrogen levels in plastics etc. You simply must wash anything new!

I use fairy non-bio and comfort fabric softener. I know its a hassle but a few loads and you will have a house full of fresh clean baby clothes that you can fold up and put away in neat draws and feel really good about xxx
I'm washing everything today in scrummy Fairy!!!

The new plastic wrapped stuff needs washing as it may have starches and finishers on them which can cause an allergy to develop - I have very sensitive skin and have to wash new clothes at least twice in the only washig powder I can use before wearing them!!
Thanks ladies. Star - I think I remember you posting that before. Not nice! Def washing.xx
A quick question - im allergic to fabric softener and most washing powders the only stuff i can use is Daz without me coming out in a rash... it will be ok for the baby won't it?
I wasn't planning on washing anything new but i may have to by the sounds of it. x
I've brought baby separate washing powder. Anyone know if any softener that can be used??

I would buy seperate but i want to cuddle and it would bring me out in a rash from contact... if i wash my sheet or anything and have it on my skin for a short while i get a rash if its not Daz... it sucks :( xx
O gosh that's severe! Have u tried ecover? That's the gentlest I know

Won't wash the new stuff but it was kept in the bag quite long so it'll need an iron. First and last time i'll ever iron baby clothes.
I'll be washing everything...but more for something to do as i know I'll be bored once on maternity leave lol. My last day at work tomorrow so will be starting washing on Monday. We don't have a tumble dryer so will air everything until almost dry then pop to mums as she is only 5 mins away to finish them off in her tumble dryer. :) xx
I am quite keen on not overdoing things. My mum used to compulsively wash, boil and disinfect everything that came into contact with me and I was still the sickliest thing imaginable.
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This makes me think about keeping things clean etc. I don't want to be absolutely 100% spotless as i want bubs to build immunity up. Clean and disinfect everything and your bubs will pick up illnesses so quickly. This was in the news recently. Southampton maternity are planning on doing a study where they are exposing newborns to dust to prove that by early exposure lessens the chances of allergies. It'll be interesting to see what comes of it.xx
Believe me It will be enough dust on baby's clothes just by putting them in the drawers....they don't need chemical residual crap from fabrics too. A newborn is not the ideal thing fr thinking of building immunity with unwashed clothes. You can breastfeed for immunity purpose....
I wash all of clothes before wearing them too. I would never imagine to dress a newborn with unwashed clothes. And think f all those fresh nice clean smelling sweet baby clothes :)
Oh I know that Hope81. I will be washing everything as per my very first post. But I'm talking about dust that accurs naturally around the home etc. :) I'll be clean but not to the extent of disinfecting everything!xx
First load about to come out! Eep! x
Nahhh probably the desinfectant does more damage than the dust lol. I think regular house tiding and cleaning is more than enough. I will probably dust and vacuum the nursery every day but i don't want to put te baby in a safe bubble either.
I just did it on 30 hun. It's come out fine and my god, smells loveeeeeeeeely. I might start using fairy for my own stuff. Even OH had a sniff lol. Just got second load in.

I went with doing creams and whites first, now doing blues and plainy stuff (like khaki trousers) and next will do bright colours, just incase they run with first wash.

Seems funny hanging wee clothes! I've sorted all the clothes buying etc so OH hasn't really looked at it all, apart from when I shoved it in his face lol. Think he's surprised at how small it is lol! and how much he has!!

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