who ate all the pies?


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2012
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Actually no it wasn't me, i just look like i have :rofl:.

No but seriously, people are constantly shocked when i tell them i'm not due till September, i get so many comments about how big i am. (yes i know i have put weight on everywhere, why is it your business) lol.

I decided it would be fun to weigh myself (last time i was weighed was at my 12w scan) since then i have gained a maHOOOsive 2st 3lbs :saywhat: (and STILL 9w + 2 till due date) :shock:

The best thing is, my eating habbits are the same as pre pregnancy, I just hope i can lose it easily after baby comes along.
hehe I hae gained 2 stone as well :0
I stayed away from the scales but was forced to be weighed at 37 weeks and I've out a stone on. I'm sure you will lose it quickly once lo is here x
its madness i tell you lol. i can see it on my face, arms and legs, hoping its water retention lol :) i obviously dont mind, i've lost a big chunk of weight b4 so i know i can do it again, its all part and parcel of pregnancy for some women, some are a little "luckier" and manage to keep it off, thats just not how i roll (quite literally at the moment :rofl:)
I hate how people feel that its acceptable to comment on how big or small they think we are when pregnant!!

Next time someone tells u how big u r, just say 'well I'm 7 months pregnant, what's ur excuse??'
I am the opposite, some reason because I am a little bit overweight people keep thinking i've lost weight despite expanding tummy, really weird. I've gained about a stone since day 1, but I wish it had been less disappointed but I have been eating worse, I have this massive craving for potatos and bacon. Wish it was oranges like my manager :(
I think we've compared bumps before Sproglett and we seem quite similar. I'm also getting comments about how big I am and I've put on about 1 stone 7lbs. Who cares how big we are (blows raspberries!) we are cookin' precious little bundles in here and as long as we're both healthy it doesn't matter if we get to the size of rhino!!! :) xxx
These comments are so annoying. A cousin asked me yesterday at a funeral 'are you sure you dont have three in there' Her mother then patted my bum and said yes I can see you've got a baby in there too! I very nearly slapped her!


I've put on 1st 10lbs and I dont care, Pickle is healthy so thats what matters.
lol.... anyone seen Madagascar 2???? Moto-Moto's song "i like them chunky" :rofl: my hubby always reminds me of it and it makes me giggle, because i lost so much weight b4, its the first thing people judge me on, even b4 the pregnancy, if i put on 4lbs people thought it was their place to comment, i actually find it really funny.

I do use the "well at least i have a darm good excuse, whats yours?"
I always get the:
'Oh you look bigger than you did yesterday!'
I know! It's my belly!! x
I hate how people feel that its acceptable to comment on how big or small they think we are when pregnant!!

Next time someone tells u how big u r, just say 'well I'm 7 months pregnant, what's ur excuse??'


Someone made a comment about me eating all the pies and I said "well I am 5 months pregnant" then just looked at his fat belly :lol:

I have gained a stone already and I am guessing there is a lot more to go.

Although like you Sproglett I have lost weight successfully so am not too worried about doing it when baby is here and I am ready!

OMG I am so lucky noones commented on my belly getting too large, Oh well :) just means the baby is growing well. But there' sa website for smart comebacks to awful comments from people I cna't remember it now LOL, might be the bump one.
comparison... (oh sorry about the Ann Summers outfit, but its the most recent pre preg i have lol)

and the 2 preggo ones are at 30w - comparison as to camera angle lol

:whistle: :whistle:

Now where on Earth were you going in piccie number one :shock: :lol:

I was 8st 5lbs when I got my BFP (8st being my "ideal") so as long as I can keep my BMI within range to be able to use the birthing centre I am fine with whatever I put on.

So far I've been weighed at every apointment (including both my scans!!)

Well I was on Slimming World before BFP and lost 8lb, with loads more to go. But then I got my BFP and quit Slimming World for money reasons and the fact that I was still determined to eat healthily. Sadly when I had my "morning" sickness for about 4 weeks in the first trimester - the only thing I could eat was crap. So I'm sure in the first 12 weeks I put the 8lb back on. But since then I've been really lucky and only put on 4lb - I think that's possibly a case of losing some in the 8 weeks since I was told about my gestational diabetes though and not wanting a massive LO!!!

But trust me - I have loads to lose when baby does arrive!!!!
:whistle: :whistle:

Now where on Earth were you going in piccie number one :shock: :lol:

I was 8st 5lbs when I got my BFP (8st being my "ideal") so as long as I can keep my BMI within range to be able to use the birthing centre I am fine with whatever I put on.

So far I've been weighed at every apointment (including both my scans!!)


Lol, was supposed to be going to an ann summers party and then up town clubbing but ended up that a couple of the girls hubbys wouldnt let them go out dressed like that lol. my hubby however took this pik of me and sent it to a male friend of mine for a giggle :rofl:

Well I was on Slimming World before BFP and lost 8lb, with loads more to go. But then I got my BFP and quit Slimming World for money reasons and the fact that I was still determined to eat healthily. Sadly when I had my "morning" sickness for about 4 weeks in the first trimester - the only thing I could eat was crap. So I'm sure in the first 12 weeks I put the 8lb back on. But since then I've been really lucky and only put on 4lb - I think that's possibly a case of losing some in the 8 weeks since I was told about my gestational diabetes though and not wanting a massive LO!!!

But trust me - I have loads to lose when baby does arrive!!!!

I did slimming world for 9m, i lost 3stone 7 1/2 lbs on it, so will hopefully be joining again when baby comes along! :) ohh and extra healthy extra whilst breast feeding (if i manage to) woo hoo lol
I'm going to use the slimming world points book but not actually go to the meetings. My SIL has been doing it and looks alot slimmer!
I've put on about 2 stone with 5 1/2 weeks to go! x
People just do not think sometimes! Would you go up to someone who had put on weight and comment? NO!! So why do people take it upon themselves to comment on a pregnant ladies weight gain??

As long as our LO's are healthy it's all good, we can loose the weight afterwards x

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