I weighed myself this morning which is something I said I wouldn't do till after the birth but was intrigued.
I was so pleased to see that I have only gained just over a stone since pre pregnancy. I lost a bit at the beginning due to feeling so crap and not really eating so have probably gained more as I don't know how much i lost.
Don't want to rub anyone's noses in it but as I am sure you will understand for a girl who put on 4 stone with each of my other two and started this pregnancy at a size 18 you can see why I am relieved!!
Hopefully once I get cracking with breastfeeding I will loose the extra and a little bit more too hopefully!!
I will be a size 12 again one day!!!!
(I have been saying that for about 6 years now!!)

I was so pleased to see that I have only gained just over a stone since pre pregnancy. I lost a bit at the beginning due to feeling so crap and not really eating so have probably gained more as I don't know how much i lost.
Don't want to rub anyone's noses in it but as I am sure you will understand for a girl who put on 4 stone with each of my other two and started this pregnancy at a size 18 you can see why I am relieved!!
Hopefully once I get cracking with breastfeeding I will loose the extra and a little bit more too hopefully!!
I will be a size 12 again one day!!!!