Where will your baby sleep?

I am doing what my mum done and worked a treat,

I am planning to breast feed so I want her with me in the moses basket until she can hold her own bottle ( when im pumping it off ) which I want to do.

Its worked absolutly fine with my little brothers and sister.

The only time ive seen it go wrong is when parents let there children sleep in their bed with them from an early age thats were the mistake starts because they dont get the feeling of being apart if they are constantly with you, putting them in a moses basket next to you is good because they arnt physicly with you all the time.

Thats how I see it anyway wether anyone agress with me or not is upto them, I just know from my mums experience and other older mums it works well.
i really think its entirely a mothers choice what she wants to do regarding bedtime.

Im a great believer in following what you feel is right at the time.
No one should lay down strict rules before birht about bedtime and routine etc becasue once bubs is here things are different and in a lot of cases baby chooses what he/she wants to do anyway.
If baby wants to sleep beside you in bed for a few weeks for the sake of a good nights rest why not???? Its not the end of the world.

Co sleep / not co sleep
dummy / no dummy
breast/ bottle
etc etc

All this fuss and you know what ibve learnt that it doesn't really bloody matter! :rotfl:

If baby wants to sleep with you on the boob till hes 4 then so be it! He won't be doing it when he goes to secondry school so fook it let him.
Same with a dummy - how many 12 year olds do you know who want a dummy??

main thing is to relax and enjoy being a mum - don't waste precious time worrying that baby should/shouldn't be sleeping in same room as you. or should/shouldn't be suckingon a dummy etc.

Thats it my rant over. :cheer: :rotfl: i feel better now
Well said! Be safe in the knowledge you won't be the only mum parenting your child the way you do, and we are all different and have different ways of bringing our kids up, it's not wrong if it's working for you.
Katty, I'm planning to have the LO with me in the moses basket in our room for about 6wks, I don't want to worry to much about TV and noise making cause as my mom said the baby is coming to live with you (not the other way around!), therefore he'll just have to get used to all the different sounds going on around him - don't want to be tip toeing around mi own house the whole time!!!! Otherwise he'll go into his own room - spent enough time decorating it!!! :wink:
Hi everyone! I am also going to have a noisy house as that's what my Mum did with us, I still sleep through anything and anywhere! I remember my Mum playing Abba full blast when my little brother was a baby and it didn't effect him (though he does have a fancy for older blonde women :lol: )

My friend is giving me a moses basket so i think I will also have her in our room and then when she atarts sleeping longer through the night (I hope this will happen!) I can put her in her own room. I'm like you Daggers, I have created her a lovely room so I want it used :lol:
I agree totally with everything Budge and Sami said, so many of us spend so much worrying about what's right and wrong we don't enjoy the time we have with our children. If baby is happy then whatever you're doing is working. Personal choice at the end of the day. I have read that you're supposed to keep babies in the same room as you til they're about 6 months old at least. As long as mum n baby are happy what does it all matter? "A happy baby is a happy mummy". :cheer:
I've got the baby's crib up in my room and will put baby with me til I think he/she is ready to go in their own room. Haylea's 9 and she still loves to come and sleep with me sometimes....besides so many people say children should sleep in their own beds but hey we don't sleep on our own so does it really matter sometimes? :?
Anyway had a little waffle....but as long as you're happy with what you're doing then who cares?
Love to you all :hug:

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