Where have all the october mummies gone?!


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2011
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I haven't seen many of you about recently!

Hope everyone's doing ok :)

I have my scan to check my placenta tomorrow, soooo nervous and hoping everything is ok!

Good luck for your scan tomorrow, hope all goes well xx
Thanks hun! I hope it's moved up a little so I don't need a section! x
Good luck tomorrow! I'm still on here!
I'm still around too :) good luck for tomorrow x
I'm here. Good luck for tomorrow :) xx
Thanks everyone :)

I feel like I haven't seen any of you post in aaaages!! I was wondering if you'd all gone off to tri 3! xx
Fingers crossed all is ok hun, still on here, just been a bit quiet lately. Not spending as much time on here now, sleep takes up most of my day, just hope the iron pills kick in soon!
I'm here :wave:
Best of luck tomorrow - FX all is well and the placenta has risen up xxx
There you all are now!! :) Emmbee i was wdonering where you'd gone!! Hope you're keeping well chick xx Wheres princess peanut too? I know M2A is on holiday :)

How are you sunny? Hope you and bubs are doing good! Can't believe how quick this is all going hehe! I'm soo excited to meet LO! x
How are you sunny? Hope you and bubs are doing good! Can't believe how quick this is all going hehe! I'm soo excited to meet LO! x

I'm good thanks! Bubs is very kicky aww! I know what you mean about how quickly it's going - it's madness!! Yay :yay:
How are you feeling at the mo? xx
I'm still here too. I'm on every week day (multiple times usually) but can't get on at the weekends as have no computer at home!

Good luck for your scan today xxx
I am here too! I think this is a quite stage of pregnancy for most where not much happens so I think tri 3 will be busy again! what time is your scan? let us know how you get on!
Hey flugel,

I'm here! Have you got your phone yet?

Ive been on and off but I haven't had time to post , oh and I jar just started a business. Lol talk about doing it at the most crazy time. It's not too bad as I can work from home.

How are u ? How is everyone else??

I'm really starting to feel tired again :( x
Hi Flugel, good luck with your scan today, I've got mine on Thursday to check the same thing, hope its moved up for you!!
I'm still about too! Same as DW though not on here much at weekends as often busy! Good luck for your scan today lets hope that placenta has shifted x x

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