Where have all the october mummies gone?!

I'm still here! Started maternity leave last week and I've not stopped since. It was easier at work!
There just seems to be one thing after the other going on. I'm yet to have a day to myself!

I'm hoping towards the end of the week it'll start settling down then I can get back on here 24/7!

How did the scan go? Is the placenta behaving now? xx
I'm here, been on holiday! And now I'm back I'm starting to stress over maternity leave and how much stuff this tiny little person actually needs!! Hope your scan went well x
Still here! Just busy decorating and the wedding is only 6 weeks away which totally freaked me out when I occurred to me!!

Little madam is letting me know she's still around and getting stronger by the day lol
I'm still here too. I'm so sleepy after work at nights I just read the threads and forget to post!

I hope your scan went well today and all the October mummies are keeping well.
Had a text of M2A yesterday. She says hi to everyone from the sunshine in Crete!

Currently green with envy! Xx
I'm still here too, still one month to go till maternity leave but since I'm working from home it's not too bad. Hope your scan goes well flugel!!

I went for my uterine artery doppler and growth scan yesterday and got to see our little baby for the 4th time. I don't think I'll ever get tired of it! Everything was fine and they think the baby weighs around half a kilo now :D. I almost found out the sex by accident but looked away just in time and told them I didn't want to know, so I didn't see anything conclusive (must remember to tell them every time!)

Two more growth scans to go :D
I'm still here!

How did your scan go?

Cant wait to see the pics


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