***October 2011 Mummies***

The docs said they wanna chat about so whatever they are thinking it is must be possible problems to any future children. Will have mote info next thursday . She now weighs 9lb6 so still gaining but slowly. How r u Sarah? X

Hope it goes ok next Thursday for you xx. Weight gain is better than no weight gain even if it's slowly, she has been through a lot poor thing. We're ok apart from the lack of sleep but I guess that is to be expected lol!
OMG I'm actually getting fatter >< gave up smoking no problem as soon as I found out I was pregnant and as the weeks go by I'm really struggling with the not smoking and have now put on nearly a stone in the last 4 weeks! And sitting here with the biscuit tin is not helping lol :D

Hang in there, you've done great giving up for so long. My hubby smokes and when he's been holding Kynon he stinks of smoke, it's not very nice as I keep telling him, thought it might make him quit! Biscuits are better than fags, you will lose the weight once the cravings go, I smoked years ago and quit when I had DD and never went back to it (over 15 years now!) I used to suck lolly pops and keep my hands busy with sewing or knitting!
Yeah hopefully, really don't want to start smoking again just gotta stop eating lol I'm ok hands wise cause I've stopped for so long, better stop buying the naughty food though ha ha

Hey everyone

Whats the plans for the w/end??

We put up our xmas tree today, it took 6 hours just to put up the tree & the lights & LO has put up her disney decorations just got more things to hang on it & decorations to put up in the house which we'll do tomoz.

It was my birthday on wednesday & Kayden gave me a lovely b.day present of a 6 hour sleep which was great, & he's went 5 1/2 tonight so fingers crossed. My first LO slept 6 hours at week 5.

He's so alert & nosey, just keep speaking to him all the time trying to keep him entertained & he wants propped up more rather than lying.

BabyA - Oh poor Izzy, must be such a worrying time for you. Hope you get some answers soon x. How come you thinking you might not be able to have more babies, do they think it could be genetic with Izzy?

Ft90 - that's great you getting Caleb to self settle, I've been trying that this week, not working too well yet lol!

We figured out that our main problem was that his dummy was too small and he couldn't hold it in his mouth! Our one and a half month old needs a 3-9month dummy!

I put him down tonight awake and he went straight to sleep, he's getting really good at going off to sleep, then during the night he's more of a nightmare!!!


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