Where were you?

I was in bed when my contractions started properly, the night before Id been out clubbin LOL

convinced it was the bass from the speakers that set me off :lol: :lol:
I was in bed when my waters broke, contractions started about two hours later.
My first was 3am in bed,woke up with chronic back ache which kept me up till my first contraction at 8am.

Second i had just got up off the sofa and leant over to get the phone to the MIL when my waters broke...i said ''oh i think ive wet myself''...gave the phone to OH and MIL rushed over to find me perched on the loo where it took them half hour to get me off and off to hospital....knickers round my ankles and all sorts,no dignity me :lol:

Third was pancake day...the OH had attampted to make pancakes....well you should of seen them,they were awful and i laughed so hard for so long my contractions started lol
My waters, now that I actually think about it, must have gone over the weekend while I was away with my mum, dad and nephew. I didn't notice them so had no idea what was going on when I woke up at 10.30pm on the monday night in severe pain :lol: I lasted until 3am and then went to hospital. Was taken straight to the labour ward and Finlay was born at 4.40am :lol:
i woke up on the wednesday at 2am with niggling aches and pains... still had them the next day .. went in hospital at 8ish was 8cm dilated and after being there for just over a hour with just contractions my son decided to it was time to come althou the waters hadnt broked yet so mw broked them and out he popped .
First sign were my waters breaking. I was 6 days overdue, had been for a huge dog walk and was standing in my hall writing a note to my boss saying still no sign of babba! :D
At home both times, had my show first then contractions very shortly after. Waters didnt go until about 20 minutes before birth with both of them x :hug:
I was reaching for a bag of carrots in Asda when my waters broke :oops: , at first i thought i'd wet myself but when it didnt stop and i realised what it was i made my OH get me a wheelchair and wheel me out as quick as he could, i didnt even tell a member of staff, i hope no one slipped in my wet patch!!! I gave birth 13 days later after a slow labour for a few days. xxx
First time i was induced, and had my waters broken and contractions started on a hospital bed.

Second time my contractions had been going on for 3 days, and started off at home, before anything significant happened - had my waters broken on a hospital bed again

1st) in bed having a nap, about 4pm.
2nd) walking back from town 4.30pm, thought it was braxton hicks again so ignord it, went in to hosp for my inducement at 7pm got told i was already in labour :lol:
3rd) was induced.
4th) in bed asleep, 2am.
waters broke at home, had first contraction about an hour after and a baby girl, 2.5 hours after that
daftscotslass said:
Hazel said:
In bed at 2am sleeping.

Same, I woke up to go to the toilet and thought I'd peed myself :lol:

and me... except I'd been to the loo, got back into bed and immediately jumped out again as I felt they were about to go and I hadnt put a mattress protector on yet!
I had gone to bed on New Years day at 35+5 weeks, totally unaware! :lol:
My waters broke at about 2am while I was in bed.
Didn't have labour :(
She was whipped out of the sunroof as she was showing signs of distress and thank god i was in hospital and it was identified otherwise i dread to think what the outcome may have been
My waters went at 7am as I was reading in bed after a night of no sleep at 37+5. Really wasn't expecting it!!!!
I wanted the big drama of my waters breaking but in the end i had to be induced :roll:
I had been admitted to the triage unit in the maternity dept when my waters broke. I swore at my DH and told him to go and fetch 'that f***ing midwife' :oops: :lol:
I started with contractions watching a progamme called life in the womb which showed really impressive pictures of a baby from implantation to birth....well it got me started whilst sitting on the gym ball eating bassetts allsorts. Apparently my waters had been leaking for days so I missed out on having a gush!!
i was on the way from the chip shop when i felt trickling down my legs, when i got home a big gush came out of me in the bathroom.
i didnt stop leaking for hours, i remember going to the hospital in the car and having to put towels down lol x

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