where were you when you'r waters broke???

My hind waters (I believe) went at 7.30 am during a bath on the ward. My pains had started 8.30pm the night before. My main waters went just before I pushed him out. I had been thinking I needed a poo.....so when the MW talked me into coming off the toilet and then my waters gushed, I started crying thinking I was wetting myself :shock: :oops: :rotfl:
i was either in the shower about 7 or 8 hours before melissa was born- or in the birth pool 2 or 3 hours before! i didnt have a waters breaking moment even the MW was very puzzled! she examined me before i even went in the pool and said she couldnt feel them. so im thinkin the shower? :think: it wasnt that long a shower tho, iv heard waters take ages to trickle out! :?
Zodiac said:
I was 'dribbling' liquid whilst at work, so took myself up to hospital to be checked out (LO came 6 weeks early).

I was checked over by midwife in the delivery suite & told to get dressed to take my stuff over to a delivery room, as it was definitely waters leakage. I'd just got dressed, stood up & whoosh out it came soaking my knickers, skirt & even dripping into my shoes..... bearing in mind I'd come straight from work I had nothing to change into so was given paper knickers & a gown to wear! Nice. :rotfl:
Mine went in bed and I had only had mild BH. Like some others it wasn't too much but I did get some on the sheets. Good that I had a water proof mattress protector, which becomes handy after the baby is born too. No nursing pads was holding my leeky boobs when the milk started coming and LO poked on a bed once...
fran_23 said:
sarah113 said:
mine broke as baby popped out (thats with all mine)

me too- i got to the pushing stage and had totally forgot that my waters hadn't ever gone, an about the 5th push they popped and sprayed everywhere even the poor midwife!

me three :D I fixated for most of my labour I needed a wee and couldnt. As soon as they broke I was jubilent as I was convinced I finally had the wee I desperatly wanted, no convincing from the midwife that it was my waters would change my mind!!
While brushing my teeth one morning good job i was in the bathroom i didnt have far to get to the toilet. I didnt go into labour until the next day though.
SarahH said:
In the hospital with the midwife using what looks like a tent peg to burst them - oh the dignity of it all :D

LOL Same here all 3 times!
Mine never broke! I hope they do this time! Somewhere really inconvenient haha I want a good story to tell! :roll: :wink:
I was kind of in bed (5 am), I had a really bad back ache, got up to go to the loo and whilst walking to my door a bit sort of slid out down my leg, not a gush or a pop, grabbed a pair of my OH joggers and stuck them between my legs and went to the loo, more came out then! I was alos paranoid about by bed getting wrecked, had the waterproof cover in the spare room, he was 10 days early!! (my first). didnt get into full labour til about 8 at night

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