where were you when you'r waters broke???

At home, they broke as soon as I got up one morning but it was just like doing a wee except it didn't stop! :?
I was the exact same as you, didnt want to ruin the memory foam mattress so I invested in a waterproof sheet from Dunelm Mill for £4.99.

Thankfully my waters went in hospital and ruined their sheets instead :D
In hospital, when the midwife broke them Didn't gush or anything, didn't have much water anyway!! I hated it, just felt like I was wetting myself a tiny bit every now and then..think I got a bit upset actually :lol:
In the hospital bed. I had a really painful contraction, then this sort of bubbling sound and whoosh. There was a lot! My laughing soon turned back to the ow ow ow again!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
With my 1st they went in the hospital bed when I was about 7cm.
With my 2nd they were broke for me in the hospital bed.
With my 3rd they went in the kitchen while I was brushing up. Not a big gush more like I was wetting my self and it just didn't stop.
i was in bed but it was more like a constant trickle rather than a gush so a pad kept it under control :)
I was in bed asleep. It wasn't much though, just a small wet patch. I don't know if this makes a difference but I had preterm prom (premature rupture of the membrane) so it was only little brusts every few minutes for hours instead of one big gush. But it was enough that in the time it took us to drive to hospital my trousers were soaked!
Mine went in the hospital bed, just as the midwife was telling me they were sending me home as I wasn't making any progress. They went as I was starting to sit up to get off the bed after an internal.
Mine were burst by the midwife just before I pushed Kathryn out- I didn't feel anything though, not even a trickle and my DH didn't see any either- I think my waters had evaporated! :rotfl:
I was in bed... it was half 3am, and hubby had just got in from a night out, I rolled over, we were chatting, then it felt like I was uncontrolably wetting myself...
Mine were broken by the midwife. It was a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG and warm pee! :lol:
most of it came out as I was using the birthing ball. quite a weird sensation :)
on my sofa when i was 9cm dilated they gushed out
even though it was quite a bit 1 of the dispoable mats from boots soaked it all up so defo get some
My matress is covered in these pads atm, not sure if they're from boots though :think: but they'll be the same thing.

My matress is new and theres no way i could afford a new one if i destroyed it so from 37 weeks i've had them on just in case. my only complaint is that eve with an extra sheet over the top i now stick to my bed :roll:
Mine were broken by the midwife when I was induced - it was lovely and warm lol.
I was 'dribbling' liquid whilst at work, so took myself up to hospital to be checked out (LO came 6 weeks early).

I was checked over by midwife in the delivery suite & told to get dressed to take my stuff over to a delivery room, as it was definitely waters leakage. I'd just got dressed, stood up & whoosh out it came soaking my knickers, skirt & even dripping into my shoes..... bearing in mind I'd come straight from hospital I had nothing to change into so was given paper knickers & a gown to wear! Nice. :rotfl:
sarah113 said:
mine broke as baby popped out (thats with all mine)

me too- i got to the pushing stage and had totally forgot that my waters hadn't ever gone, an about the 5th push they popped and sprayed everywhere even the poor midwife!

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