Where Are You?


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2010
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Hiya girls! :wave:

Just thought I'd make a little update thread for everyone to add to, wherever you are in your cycle.

I'm currently CD48, no sign of AF and slowly losing hope. CM has been varied so given up on that as well! :shock:

Took my ovulation ticker down because it was pretty pointless, given that my cycles can vary a lot so put up a new TTC one instead.

To try (and fail to) occupy my mind with other things, I've been thinking of Christmas shopping as well as my monthly shop (how exciting) plus I've been chatting to my darling Dad about re-decorating and possibly extending our house! :dance:

Hope you're all well girls!

What's everyone else up to? :oooo:
im 12dpo .... no symptoms.... besides this horrible flu iv got
im in my 2 month TTC and am looking forward to my first month using opks next cycle

AF due on 12th nov and cervix high n open with creamy CM so i think :witch: will be makin apperance soon!!

keeping myself busy this week as its my son alfies 5th bday on thursday the 11th

so tomorrow i will be building him up to it, getting him all excited weve been counting down the sleeps

thurs i will be busy all day n then............ wham it will be AF day!!!!!!!!!!!

shes never late either so ill know friday one way or the other :)
I am cd 16 3 dpo altho got some ewcm today so a bit confuzzeled
Sending you lots of :dust: :dust: hun!

Hope she stays away for you. :) x x
MrsMc - I'm not sure about getting EWCM after OV so I'm afraid I'm useless there. :( All the best for you hun, I hope this is it for you. x x :dust: :dust:
I'm 10DPO and itching to test, even though I'm fairly certain nothing's going to happen this week. The :witch: is getting ready to make an appearance, I'm sure.

Fertility Friend said AF should've arrived yesterday, but that was based on having a luteal phase of 8 days (which it was randomly one time when I was temping), but I'm thinking it'll be Saturday. Realistically, expecting it any time from now onwards.

I've just started Christmas shopping (we don't really need to eat this week do we?) and ordered my Nan's Christmas presents and her birthday present and part of OH's birthday present (Sherlock Holmes pewter cufflinks, he'll love them :good:).

I'm also planning on getting some stuff up on eBay, not for Christmas present money but because I want to get myself a new digital camera and the one I want is £350 so it's going to take some saving. Got an older digital camera that I've got to check out the cards for to make sure there's nothing left on them and a video camera and bag I'm going to stick up there too.

Keeping myself busy as well. Think it's the best way to be in the 2ww. Otherwise I just get crazy!
thanx hun i hope she stays away from us all lol
im getting my bat out friday morning as soon as i wake up!!!!!!!
she'll either not come near me or snatch it and hit me with it hard between the eyes :(
kizzibea- im due friday so were at a smiliar point in our cycles
are u getting any symptoms?? im nosey and know im not pregnant i just feel it
i have high but open cervix with CM but this happened last month right before AF damn it :(
Kizzibea - OH gets a nice bonus soon so we're using that to do some Xmas shopping and some clothes shopping as I desperately need new togs! :)

Definitely right there, the only way to be is occupied!

Minx - Lol, I hope you whack her far away! x x
I am on CD 57 and AF is due anytime from tomorrow and I am guessing by the cramps I have she will no doubt show up on her dam broomstick...
I've been updating my Journal with every little symptom I've had this month. The main ones have been since Ov I've been getting these mild AF cramps. I get Ov pain anyway but normally it's just two or three days around the time of Ov, this has been for a full week. Until yesterday when I got nothing and then a sudden really bad AF cramp which was much stronger but no AF yet.

Had a bit of back ache as well but I'm not sure that really counts for anything as most of the time it could probably be explained by what I've been doing during the day.

The one other possible symptom I've had is a touch of conspitation (tmi, I know). I suffer from IBS and although it's very much under control at the moment, it normally affects me in the other way so this is quite unusual for me. I didn't note exactly when it first started because I didn't think it was particularly out of the ordinary, but I think I remember you mentioning in your Journal that you'd had a touch yourself.

I've not been checking my CP or CM this cycle (mainly because I keep forgetting :rolleyes:) but when I did check it felt low and open but mine always seems to do the opposite of whatever it's supposed to be doing lol so I tend to ignore it.

:dust: for you. ;)
well iv got a really bad cold/flu thing andd its horrible draining me and im sooo tired but this is only because im ill and still having to go on with my daily life a cold cant stop me as my son would die of hunger lol
no symptoms at all other than being ill :(
Vicky - Wow, CD57! I feel bad for complaining about being on CD48! Hope she stays away for you though. :) x

Kizzibea - You never know hun! Hope you get a BFP. x x
Hope you're feeling better soon. I think it's the weather, loads of colds and bugs going around at the moment I think. Half the family here had one or another.

Hope your son avoids the cold, no fun for them when they're sick.
and i feel even worse for complaining bout havin a 32 day cycle!!!!!!!!!!!!
o the shame lol :(
I know. Before I started trying I used to think it would be great to have a longer cycle, the idea of having a period every two months or so seemed fantastic to me. Never really thought about cycle lengths before I started trying.

I hate all the waiting during my average 30 day cycle, but I feel for you girls with long cycles.

& Thanks Miss J, hope you get yours too. :dust:
Thanks girls.... it does suck big time!!

I know what you mean, prior to ttc if someone had told me I would only have a period every 2 months I would have been estatic!!
I am getting obsessed - its rediculous!! Its like I'm drawn to the forum like I'm in a spell or something! (Starfish ??) If anyone sees me online and its during the day (except a Wednesday) feel free to chibb me and tell me to get on with my work. I'm just such a daydreamer now!!!
Anyway I'm CD 21 but really dont know how long my cycles are so this is cycle 1 - will test on 19th based on 28 day cycle but will not be worried about a BFN cos AF may get me before (save a test) or I just keep testing maybe twice a week after that date cos I've no idea?? Does that sound like a good plan? I'm a POAS addict but only on OPKs - ALL of which have been negative ??? Its really pissing me off and wish I did not start on them until maybe cycle 3 or 4 but now I've started.... Cant stand the thought of Xmas shopping - I always shop the week before Xmas and do other stuff online cos I've no free time and hate dragging kids around shops (or do they drag me around the shops?) I wrap up Xmas pressied on Xmas eve - have not even done a list yet!! Better get my bum in gear eh?
Tracey, you're not alone. I've been popping the board up and down all day (while I'm at work) and in a minute I'm going to go home with a pile of work that I've not finished because I've been reading the boards at work and sit there and read the boards at home instead. :lol:

Oh and I'll probably be on my phone while OH is cooking dinner. This place just sucks you in. But then again, the 2ww wouldn't be much fun without it. ;)

It would be fantastic if you got your :bfp: this month. :dust:
im also an addict i even tried getting on here at college in my ICT lesson but college have locked it down lol :(
greaaaatttt lol
when i get home im straight on here lol

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