When to pack hospital bag?


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2007
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At our first NHS antenatal class the midwife said we should all have our hospital bags ready by now, at NCT class they didn't mention anything about it! :?
Is midwife just trying to scare us? When should we have our bags ready?
One girl I was talking to at work said she didn't pack hers til she was in labour - don't want to leave it that late and be that unprepared but want to be realistic about it - is baby likely to come in next week or so? - very unlikely but you never know!


I was told at the midwife to have it packed by about 34-36 weeks. I actually packed it at about 35 weeks and have unpacked and repacked it since then! I don't think it really matters when you do it if you have somewhere to keep it!

I do have a couple of things (like my hairbrush and maternity notes) that I've left out so I've left a note for OH telling him where to find them.
It depends hun. I packed mine at about 29 weeks and it took me until about 33 to get it right and to be satisfied and stop packing and un-packing it LOL I packed early to be prepared plus my OH wouldnt have a clue where anything was if I went into hospital and didnt have a bag ready bless him :lol:
I started packing mine last week and I am still adding bits to it now. Packing the baby's babg was much easier!
inforabumpyride said:
I started packing mine last week and I am still adding bits to it now. Packing the baby's babg was much easier!

I had packed baby's bag too with all the lovely freshly washed clothes and opened it 2 nights ago to find it stank of the plasticy lining of my new changing bag. Had to wash them all again and find a better smelling bag! :shock:
I packed mine at about 33 weeks. I think you've got a few weeks yet so don't worry. As long as it's done by 37 weeks you should be ok :D
i think its up to everyone really, i did mine at about 29wks but do have a couple of little things to add to it
I would say get it done by week 34 if poss. You dont actually need that much stuff and it's a pain to have loads of stuff to lug around.
I did most of mine quite early - when I was about 30 weeks, as I was convinced baby was going to come early...

Obviously I was just being paranoid lol, as she's still not here. Maybe you could just start buying the odd bits each week when you do your shopping, like maternity pads etc. Then at least you have some bits should you need them.
I washed all the baby clothes and packed my stuff at the weekend, i'm 32 weeks. BRING ON THE PAIN, COZ I'M READY - Although, please dont come for a few more weeks yet!!! :wink: :?
I packed mine last weekend (36 weeks) I'd been buying maternity pads, new jim jams etc each week and finally got round to doing it at the weekend.

Make sure your OH or birthing partner is with you when you pack the bag so that they know where you've put all of your bits.
I intended to pack at 30 weeks but didn't. I put most of it together a few days ago as I wanted to go away for the weekend (just in the car with my mum to my dad's flat in Edinburgh, a 2 and 1/2 hour drive away) but my mum refused to take me :(

I think it will be something good to keep me occupied in labour. Sadly there will be many hours of pain at home and I'll need to find things to do. I think baby-focused things would be nicest.

What I have done is make a very detailed list - I expanded on the one from the hospital giving full details. That way I can pack without too much brain strain and without forgetting anything as I've had the list sitting around for a month so if I think of anything else I add it on. Also, if for some reason there were an emergency hopefully OH would be able to pack from my list :think: Or maybe it would be better to get my mum to do it :D

My instructions from the hospital say I should take one small bag, then lists masses of stuff - dressing gown, towel, clothes, slippers, food...! I spoke to the midwife and asked if I should pack a labour bag and a ward bag so the labour one could go home once LO is born and we have to go on a ward and she said that was a good plan.
I started putting things together from about 30 weeks, but my bag was not official packed and finished until 34 weeks.
:shock: lol, now I think mine should be packed and ready to go!?!

I'm going to get the last bits for mine this weekend. Anyone left anything out because they didn't think it was needed? So far I have packed...

Maternity Pads
Breast Pads
Old T-shirt
Big Baggy Primark Pants (about 10 pairs! :oops: )
relaxation CD
Washbag (toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo/conditioner, shower gel, make up, hairbrush, hair ties, lip salve, massage oil)
Camera (plus batteries)

I wont be able to start thinking about packing mine until im 36 weeks :roll: I dont have a room of my own at the moment to find my stuff in, let alone to keep a packed bag, i dont even have her stuff in the same house as me atm.

Lets just hopw she doesnt make an early appearence!!
I just finished mine the past week really. I still have to pack things like a change of clothes for me and babys clothes but they are all good to go, just sat in the cupboard rather than getting icky in the bag. When and if I need to go to hospital I can just grab them and put them in. Same with snacks and Lucozade etc.

Nappies, personal stuff (all in midget size bottles) etc is all in there. I'm only taking one holdall with both mine and babys things. Not 2 bags or anything. My holdall is quite small but it all fits.

Left out the hairdryer and birthing ball as hospital has those :lol:
Im going to pack mine next week, I finish work on friday so thought I could spend a day doing it when Im off, I will be 35 weeks by then.
Haven't started packing mine yet, have been thinking about it tho and got most stuff. Forgot about the big pants so ta inforabumpyride for reminding me :) xx
Im going to pack mine about 30 weeks. I want it all ready incase this baby comes early like Nathan did :)

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