When does the sickness go??

Lacey's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2010
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I fill like this is the only thing I've been posting on here! I'm still getting very bad sickness, can be up to 6 times a day and fill sick all day :( I was sick up to 19 weeks with my daughter but not this bad but keep thinking only afew more weeks and it should start to die down! I'm worried when I have my scan their gonna put my dates back so I'll have even longer to put up with it :( when did everyone else's sickness fade??
mines not as full on as it was but only been past few days some people just suffer really badly with it which is no comfort i know hope it settles real soon for you
Mine got better at week 9 but has come back with a vengence this week. I just felt queasy previously but actually been sick a couple of times this week x hope it'll go soon for all of us!!!! x
I felt constantly sick until 13 weks and then it went over a few days :flower:
with my last pregnancy it was constant until about 16 weeks then it slowly died down. If your suffering terribly hun, you should go see your doc. You may be able to get some anti sickness pills :hug: xx
Lacey - Hope you feel better soon (I know it doesn't help, but it's a great sign of a strong pregnancy)

Rowesb 13 weeks sickness? I reackon your having a girl
Toonlass, If I didn't know already because of the 16 weeks I would have guessed a boy!
(works in our family)
i wondered if thats the case jj mum i had the same with my daughter sickness stopped at about 14 weeks
and with my son till at least 19 weeks if not alittle more xx
Hey, I know you must be feeling really bad, im sorry. But you know when the sickness is over you will feel great. I thought mine was never going to end, but it slowly left me at around 11 weeks.
Now when I look back I cant even remember how bad I felt (even though I know it was bad), but thats why us women are the chosen ones to carry because we are strong and can fight though anything that is thrown at us :). Im sure you will be feeling better soon hun!


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