When do you start buying..( not sure where to ask this one )


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2015
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So it's my first :) due in may, believe I'm 5 weeks today!
So when so you all start buying things for baby? After the 12 weeks? Just I see things going ridiculously cheap and I just want to get them, for example on eBay just up the road a Moses and stand for £5 in fab condition.
Are you tempting fate by buying before 12 weeks?
Hiya and congrats

I bought the odsd thing with my first but I am sure it was after 12 weeks.

With this pregnancy I am not buying anything until at least I am 20 weeks as we had a miscarriage last September so Im leaving it till later on - we have most things from Elise anyways but will depend on flavour of this one xx
I honestly believe of anything is going to happen it will. Regardless if u go and buy a babygrow now or at 20 weeks hun.

With my 1st i bought the cot at 14wks as it was in the Jan sales & i didnt want to miss a bargain. My mum even biught a few bits about 8-9weeks for me just little things like bibs etc.
I hsed to buy nappies and wipes every months too to help spread the cost.

Everyone is different though hun. We ordered the pram at 24wks.

This time around i dnt need much as we have alot kept from Noah. But if i see little things id dedo buy them!! Xx
^ WWS.

What will be will be.

I got stuff pretty much straight away, we saw some things on offer when I was like 10 weeks and I got them, that was the travel cot, moses and crib. Other stuff we picked up as and when. But I dont believe theres a certain time. I certainly dont believe buying or bringing your pram into the house before a certain time is a jinx either... but thats just me.

For some reason my thread posted twice sorry

Thank you ladies :)
Feel like all the questions I've been asking people are just comman sense and I guess there's no right or wrong.
I won't go mad but if I see a bargin I think I will buy it, need to spread cost. As soon as I reach 12 weeks plus I will start the nappy and wipes collection

Ps my mum started her grandchild collection before it was even conceived lol
My mums terrible lol!!

But honestly, yes u could put money aside each month which some ppl prefer. But for me if theres a bargain id rather just get kt!

I almost ordered the Tommee tippie starter kit with steriliser on amazon last month cos it was on a lightening deal and i wasnt even pregnant lol!!
Hi, I started buying at 7wks last time, just little grows and bibs etc. It ended in miscarriage, but I still have them now and am 10 weeks Friday. You can't predict fate, but whatever happens and for whatever reason the stuff you buy can be stored for when needed.
My mum does quilting and dressmaking as a hobby, and we've started picking out some cute bits to make xx
I bought a baby grow at 6/7 weeks that I couldn't resist I was so paranoid I'd tempted fate but what will be will be . We got our pram at 13 weeks and started getting the majority of things after 20 weeks! Don't worry Hun just do what you feel is right xx
What will be will be. Do whatever you need to do/your situation dictates. If you see a bargain and you can't afford to pass it then get it. You'll only kick yourself at a later date.

PP xXx

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