When did you start buying the essentials?

We started buying small things like vests,and sleep suits soon after our 12 week scan. We are staying team yellow so they are all in white. We bought 2x Huggies, 2x Pampers in new born size and a few packs of Simple baby wipes. I have heard that different nappies suit diferent babies so I didn't go too mad, also we are planing on moving to reusables after the first month or so.

We have sorted the nursary pretty much, just need to get the matress of for the cot and crib, and we have ordered our pram.

Just have a few more things to get now and I can sit back and relax! x
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Karate kid out are so organized :love:
I still need loads to get :(
I am terrified lol.
Karate kid out are so organized :love:
I still need loads to get :(
I am terrified lol.

LOL my husband calls it OCD!! I am a woman that loves a good spreadsheet break down of the things we need.

You have time hun, don't stress.... I am washing and ironing LO's clothes once I start mat leave because I am sure I will be bored out of my wits with nothing to do!!! x
I have arranged to buy a moses basket from a girl at work it comes with a brand new mattress so no need to replace that it also comes with a stand. I have also bought another moses basket off our friends which will need a brand new mattress but have looked into this and they start at 17 quid so not too bad. We got given a couple of baby vests, a baby blanket off friends but apart from that thats it at the moment.

I have been on kiddicares website its fab so when I get paid this month I am going to buy a bottle starter set by avent and a steriliser as well which is going to cost me £20 which I thought for that make was a bargain. I am also going to get a breats pump from there too as I want to try and breastfeed but if it doesnt work its not a worry and the pump only costs 13 uid. Hubbys only reuest was that if I do breastfeed is that the milk is labelled properly so he doesny put it in his coffee. I told him that it would be in a proper babys bottle not gonna just add it to the milk carton lol xx
Today I bought my first bits of maternity wear - some lovely t-shirts that hide my roll of flab! :D Was going to get a stair gate too, to start getting the dogs used to it, but couldn't find the right one. We'll be trying to spread the cost of a lot of our stuff - little and often from now on.

I like the idea of stockpiling nappies now, but how do you know how many of what size to go for? And do you stick with one brand, or are you getting a variety to try out different ones?
I have pretty much everything since week 24...my mum came here from Italy and decided to give me a gift and bought a bunch of stuff for the baby...the only thing I need now is a pram...I can't choose one for some reasons!!!..
Wow, everyone is so orginised! :)
I like the idea of picking up things like nappies and wipes every time you go shopping. I think I'll do that from now on. Especially with the asda baby event... hopefully they will be cheaper than usual :)
Thanks everyone. I'm all excitied to start my major shopping now :D x
I've still got to make the final decision on car seat, pram and nursery furniture so I can order them.

I've mainly only got clothes, some newborn, some 0-3 and some 3-6 months. Bought some nappies in the asda baby event yesterday and some wipes. We got 2 soft toys too :)

Found that the cot won't fit in our room (they're bigger than I realised) so now I'm having to rethink what to have. I didn't want a Moses basket at first cos of them only really being in there for 2-4 months, but I'm also gonna need something in the lounge and don't wanna buy a Moses basket and a crib/travel cot.

Haven't even got the lounge finished, let alone started on the nursery. Wow I'm feeling unorganised now :(
I didn't really buy much earlier on in my pregnancy.. Think I bought a couple of cellular blankets, towels and a pack of white vests. We also went to mothercare to choose our pram and put it on their baby plan at about 16 weeks. Between then and my 20 week scan, I found it really useful to make a list of everything you need. I then had a look online at the products I liked, added them to my list + also looked at where you could get it cheapest (Love a bargain! haha). After my 20 week scan, I went mad and bought the majority of things on my list! I'm now 22w + 2d and don't have too much to buy! I'm also picking up nappies, wipes + toiletries when they're on offer whilst shopping..
My pram has already been bought for me lol not through my choice of course and its not in my house either. My cousin (shes like a sister) is sooo happy to be an auntie, she got me a silver cross pram its grey with an orange trim I love it. She has also put together a few bits and bobs as my gran died last year and had bought her little boy some things and since my gran isnt here to buy for my little one she has passed it down which I love, other than those I have nothing in and I personally wont be buying anything until my scan :) xxxx
Im refusing to buy things until after my 20 week scan which is June 1st so can guarantee i'll be filing for bankrupcy by July! I've been given a few things so far, some 2nd hand toys from my SIL who is the most excited person I know, she arrived with gifts within 10 mins of being told we were expecting! Also my nan who lives in Cyprus but was here visiting over easter bought me a couiple of newborn sleepsuits, a fleecy blanket and bath towels.
Although last week I did break my own no buying rule to buy my pushchair but only because it was a major bargain. A friend of the family was selling her silver cross pushchair and car seat set all used for only 4 months for £50 and we only had a few days before it went on ebay so i had to snap it up. The newer versions on the website are retailing at £600 so im extremely chuffed!
My family won't allow me to bring it into my house though because of the silly superstitions!
Ive got my first doctors appointment tomro but im pretty sure im 11 weeks not sure how many days. Im not even showing yet ive been thinking about when i can start buying stuff though and was worried didnt wanna buy stuff and anything to happen to the baby. Now ive read other people are tho i think once ive had my first hosptial appointment im going to start having a look around. :)
I havnt bought anything yet, not going to until 20 week scan. We have a moses basket that has been in my family for generations so will be having that, its at my mums at the minute. Going to look at prams on Saturday which im very excited about! xxx
I have a pram, highchair(impulse I liked it lol) bouncy chair on one baby plan. On another baby plan I have my cot, cot mattress, cot mobile, playmat and car seat lol.

I have loads of outfits n clothes still need a few more newborn bits as mostly brought 0-3 n my Moses basket. I also brought bottle set online as had amazon voucher so got a bargain. Still lots to do n get! I'm 22+3 x

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I'm just over 28 weeks and I've still not really bought anything :shock:

I'm normally really organised so it's starting to freak me out a little (mainly because everybody keeps going 'OMG have you not got [insert whatever] yet?'), but there are so many choices for things like prams and cots and I just get confused when I look at all the options and then give up :-?

Almost got the not-so-spare-anymore room sorted out now though, so at least I'll be able to see how much space we've got!
I bought my first 'proper' purchase today. I got a tommie tippie set from toys R us which has steriliser 4 bottles in each medium and small size tests etc and a seat thingy for the the bath, I don't want to buy a baby bath! So pleased with myself! Hopefully going to get my bouncer this month too off kiddiecare.com :) x

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