When do you plan on having another baby?

We'd Like an 18mnth 2yr gap but that means being pregnant in august this year. So we'll see. Part of me wants lots of time just me and F.but then I also think If I put it off I'll want it jyst to stay.as me and her. I don't have any siblings close in age and I think I missed out. id like 2 then a gap and then another 2 :eek:) x
I plan on ttc in late 2014/early 2015 so LO will b 5 possibly 6 b4 no2 comes along. I am also aware of OHs age as he is 35 now so would like to have 2 close together then xx
This may be a little early to say this but i am sure i wont change my mind lol .. i am only 13 week pregnant and i know after ive had the baby i am not going to have any contraceptive help to stop me falling pregnant again x

I got told due to my troubles getting pregnant with my endometreosis and my pcos that if i want more than 1 child to try again straight after while my endo is at bay and i remember how much trouble coming off the pill caused me with my cycles lol x

So i am not going to exactly try as such straight away but i am not going to do anything to avoid it either and whenever it happens will be a good time :) x
We are thinking about an 18 month to 2 year ago gap also, as we'd also quite like them close in age, my oh is just 37 and he's struggling with the lack of sleep now so doesn't want to wait too much longer, although I love it just my baby boy and I, and sometimes wonder of we should have another!x

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if i wasnt single i would be thinking about not trying but not preventing... however im missing something quite important!!

i am so ridiculously broody... sorting ellas tiny baby clothes and looking through my bump pics makes me want to be pregnant again! also loved giving birth... cannot wait for that feeling again.

hopefully ella will have a brother or sister before she starts school x
We're TTC when my pill runs out in mid April. Jack will be 10 months and if I fall pregnant straight away there'll be a 19 month age gap! :) x
Good luck hun!!! Mines kinda the other way around my OH turned 22 last week and I turned 26 the week before (this was his first) he wants to wait 5 years but I'll be 31.. Nothing wrong with being a mum at 31 but I've been doing this since I was 17 (preg for both 18th and 21st bdays lol) I want to be able to enjoy my own life at some point as selfish as that sounds!! I REALLY want a boy.. I want two boys really!! Twins would be handy lol!!
My little family is now complete, i have my girl and boy! plus we cant really afford to have anymore, i dont want the 2 ive already got to go without as i have to pay out for a 3rd! plus i really want to go back to work and concentrate on getting a career!

We both happy with this decision, and i have two very good children so i dont want to jinx it! :)
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Aww that's sweet :) my sister has a girl and boy so feels she doesn't need any more :)
I managed to get OH down to trying again in 18months :cheer: I hope it's not too late for me by then medically :(
Ive just been on the ttc part of the forum and omg I actually can't wait! After thinking I hated being pregnant I actually think I love it lol!
To be exact, I'd like to try again from April 2014 onwards! I've even put it in my Blackberry :lol:

I don't know if I will last that long though. I am super broody too and I know they say at about 18 months it gets really hard to not want another one! I want to enjoy Brooke as much as possible though and give her as much one on one attention as I can. It would be good for her to be starting nursery too the year the new baby comes along x
If I can convince OH then August 2013 :) I'd like to be able to take my lo to school during her first year without worrying about work so that way while she's at school I'll be spending quality time with the new baby while still being there for her. She'll be 4 as well so she can be more involved.

This is just a pipe dream though. Before that I've got finances to sort out, move to a bigger house and convince OH lol.
I'm not having any more ! But there is a 27 mth gap between first 2 them 2 and half yr gap between 2nd and Rhea. The boys are really close. Just don't think I could physically do pregnancy again couldn't work from 25 weeks and think I only last that long cos I'm stubborn !!
Would love to give birth again though love that bit ! But will have to settle for doing midwifery I think !! Xxx

Oops we might be sooner than planned, had a bit of a Russian roulette moment last night, am hoping my dates are right and it will be ok or we are in trouble :-s
Bunnykins we're kinda like that too. Think the condom split /leaked or something tmi.as when I went too loo there was stuff on the paper. Exclusively bf tho so.fingers crossed.we're ok. I wouldn't mind but body needs.a chance to recover and want to enjoy F.for longer!
Hmm I'm not sure how I'd feel, its a bit sooner than I'd like if we were unlucky but we'll see hopefully its ok as I'm bfing like lettie, will keep u posted
To be exact, I'd like to try again from April 2014 onwards! I've even put it in my Blackberry :lol:

I don't know if I will last that long though. I am super broody too and I know they say at about 18 months it gets really hard to not want another one! I want to enjoy Brooke as much as possible though and give her as much one on one attention as I can. It would be good for her to be starting nursery too the year the new baby comes along x

Poppy will be 19 months when we get married - perfect timing :lol:

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