I typed mine up and fastend it in the front of my maternity notes
as no-one ever seemed to want to discuss it?? I asked every appointment from 28w onwards?
As others say though it all went to pot.
I wanted the following:
* Stay at home long as possible with TENS machine
* Go to Birthing centre
* use pool / possible waterbirth
* as little intervention as possible
* be able to move around as much as possible
* G&A, no other pain relief - absolutely no pethidine - ever.
* Not to push laying down
* OH cut cord and tell me gender of baby
* let cord pulsate before it is cut
I ended up with the following:
* Stayed at home in early labour for
36 hours as they wouldn't let me come in
* had a few hours on the birthing centre then moved to labour ward
* had my waters broken, hooked up to a drip, baby put on a trace
* I was laid up in bed with little freedom to move
* I ended up begging for diamorphine (pethidine's other guise)
* pushing using stirrips whilst on the bed
* MW told us gender
* cord was cut immediately as baby took over two hours to be delivered and they needed to check my placenta ASAP to look for signs of infection.
So basically I ended up with the opposite to what I considered the "ideal" birth
I did write in my birth plan I am happy to reconsider all decisions on the day depending on the situation and I also typed in big bold lettering THE SAFETY AND HEALTH OF BABY IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING, ANYTHING THAT NEEDS TO BE DONE TO GET BABY HERE SAFELY CAN BE DONE.
I do have some positives though, I didn't have an EPI despite having augmented labour and I didn't have a single tear or graze after delivering baby.
Next time I'll do the same - I will hope for the "ideal" but I will go with whatever feels right on the day.
Labour wasn't my fave part of this journey but it was just one day (well 2 in my case LOL)