when do u...

I had a forceps delivery and she didn't have any cuts or bruises, just a red mark on her cheek that went within a few hours.

I didn't have a labour plan, just wrote that I only wanted hubby there, wanted hubby to see her coming out and for him to cut the cord, no students, baby to have vit k injection. They did everything I asked and more, I had a great labour x I would mention at your next app about the water birth just to get info etc... I asked about getting in the pool and was told there wasn't one boo !
I've used the NHS website to do my birth plan. Have only just gone through this with GP (kept being told 'next time') when asked earlier. My GP thought it was ideal, as it's realistic. I'd like to try a water birth if available. I'd like to be as active as possible if not, but like in Carnat's experience, if it doesn't happen, then so be it. Whatever it takes for a safe delivery.
Check out this link, as it does cover quite a lot of options for you to consider:
I don't think it hurts to have one, as if all is well, there's no reason why you can't have what you want x
I didnt do one but had an idea in my head. It was just aswell as it all went the exact opposite! I didnt want an epi, c section or drips- I had all three of those lol.

I wanted a water birth- I was induced so wasnt able to use it, as induction is classed as high risk x

tapatalking x
You dont technically need to mention it. She's unlikely to be at the hospital when you give birth and won't be any use in getting you a waterbirth.

Well if yours works like ours its just first come first serve for pool.

Tapatalking :-D Can't see tickers...
You dont technically need to mention it. She's unlikely to be at the hospital when you give birth and won't be any use in getting you a waterbirth.

Well if yours works like ours its just first come first serve for pool.

Tapatalking :-D Can't see tickers...

Same here xx

tapatalking x
I'm doing my sort of birth plan with my midwife next week, ill be 32 weeks.
Again twins, so need to keep it in context.
Thats y i want to ask about it i dnt know how many pools they have up university hospital of wales. im aware they may be in use. and i no my MW wont be up the hosp ( i dnt like her away so glad she isnt ) just want it stated in my notes id LIKE a water birth IF possible
I did a birth plan last time but not this time, i didnt have time for the mw to read it last time. I wanted a water birth but didnt have the time. I think at my hospital you just ask for a water birth at the time you cant book it or anything because there is only one anyway x
Thats y i want to ask about it i dnt know how many pools they have up university hospital of wales. im aware they may be in use. and i no my MW wont be up the hosp ( i dnt like her away so glad she isnt ) just want it stated in my notes id LIKE a water birth IF possible

They didn't read my notes, just asked me when i got there.

Tapatalking :-D Can't see tickers...
Aw did they. Might just leave it then. I checked my Maternity Notes and it says at my 34week MW appointment they discuss birth options.
But tbh with a MW like mine i doubt she will! x
They ask you everything anyway even if you write a plan, they still asked if i wanted this and that before doing it even though i had wrote it in my notes, i think they double check. There is no halm in doing one but i dont see the point really, i know people who plan every detail and then get upset if it isnt going to plan, but babies dont seem to do as told lol x
I didnt have a plan but when i went in labour i said i would like a water birth and i got it. highly recommend, amazing experience xx
I did a plan but never really mentioned any of it to anyone til I got to the hospital at 6-7cm which is when I asked if the pool was free for a water birth. Because our hospital only has one it was pointless to mention it til I actually needed it. Then when I went up to our labour ward and was introduced to my midwife that was staying with us throughout delivery we told her about wanting oh to cut cord etc. Luckily I was able to have most things the way I wanted them but I did make it clear that the staff should things need to be done different for me or baby to remain safe they should just crack on but keep oh informed. As it turned out Oliver was very blue due to double wrapped cord and oh had to call for a 2nd mw to assist, he didn't get to cut the cord as it was all a bit rushed to get baby to
pink up but we both understood that that was necessary and aren't too disappointed, how can we be with a healthy boy in our arms? Go with the flow, be clear on what you would like but be open to change. That would be my advice xxx
Im 35 wks and my mw hasnt so much as mentioned a birth plan and being a first time mum i dont have a cluei just want as natural as possible and the safest things for my little man x
I didn't bother doing one as it seemed rather pointless, as you don't know what's going to happen

I was induced, but as labour progressed I just discussed different methods of pain relief with the midwife.
Mi think most people would just go for I'll see how I cope.... Start with gas and air and work up from there
I wrote it all out and didnt use it. They just ask u lol. Wont bother this time!!

pregnant with baby no 2 ;)
sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 excuse my terrible spelling :P
I am 34 weeks with my twins onmonday, and will be doing it at 35 weeks with,my comm midwife.

I don't know if there is any point in doing it too early.
I'm pissed off with my hospital in general anyway. So I have my birth plan in my head. Luckily I've had a problem free pregnancy. So they are not pushing anything routine on me. I have the backing of my partner which helps so much.

I should add, I haven't got a plan as such, I just know what they will do as routine. I know what I do not want, and I also know the best way to give birth to twins, which is like all births, listen to your body.
I'm not being pumped full of drugs for the just in case scenario! But I've had babies before,so I'm familiar with the system too.
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