When did your sickness start?

The first time I got pregnant i was so sick before my period was due and just had a feeling I was pregnant. Did the test the day unless was due and i was of course pregnant. Second pregnancy no sickness x
No sickness yet, I'm preparing myself! I was so nauseous with my son but I think I've blanked it from my mind!! I remember wishing I could throw up to get a little respite but not being able to and just constantly feeling awful. I can't remember when it started though!!
Mine seemed to show itself mildly yesterday afternoon and then disappear again
I'm 5+1 today! Had indigestion and pain after eating from about a week before my bfp! Then I've had nausea and retching most days but only a couple of times been sick since my bfp! Would be much better if I was just sick to get some sort of relief! Haha
i guess im lucky, i have never been sick yet, ive had the extreme nausea when ive thought to myself i may get some relief if i am just sick! but i also have a phobia of being sick.

ive woken myself up retching but never been sick!
I was throwing up at about 4+1 xx

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Interesting how different everyone's experiences are!

I'm 5+5 Today and had a few definite episodes of nausea over the past few days, not been sick yet but I thought I was going to be this morning. Smells and different foods are making me feel ill aswell and i'm having random food aversions.

I'm definitely feeling sicker and more tired at an earlier stage than I did with my 2 son's. Hoping it means a little girl, or twins haha xxx
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im exhausted at the moment i cant seem to sleep, just toss and turn all night. i have found conversations about food make me feel really ill!
im exhausted at the moment i cant seem to sleep, just toss and turn all night. i have found conversations about food make me feel really ill!

I'm not sleeping either and having nightmares and really vivid dreams even more than usual
Sorry to everyone feeling sick but it's nice we are all in the same boat!! I've been feeling nauseous this week so week 6 for me.
Funny you should mention a boat McCheese lol. That's exactly where I remember this nausea from (being really sea sick on a ferry lol). I was sick once withm my first but that was a dodgy curry. I've not been able to eat at all today and I'm STARVING! but even the thought of food makes me want to gag. I'm only around 4 weeks too :(
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Funny you should mention a boat McCheese lol. That's exactly where I remember this nausea from (being really sea sick on a ferry lol). I was sick once withm my first but that was a dodgy curry. I've not been able to eat at all today and I'm STARVING! but even the thought of food makes me want to gag. I'm only around 4 weeks too :(

Yep, I know what you mean!

I'm feeling a bit better today, happy to eat most things now apart from meat and chocolate....which is odd as they are normally my two favourite things!
I'm still queasy every now and then but no actual sickness yet, definitely got lots of food aversions and cravings! I can't stand the idea of mince pies which i usually love haha xx
I still haven't eaten a full meal. Had some soup for tea yesterday. Other than that it's like cereal bars and crackers. Even the smell of meat cooking makes me gag. Makes me sad cos I WANT to eat meat lol, like it's all I can think about eating but the smell makes me sick. Ive concluded this child is going to be trouble :lol:
I'm still queasy every now and then but no actual sickness yet, definitely got lots of food aversions and cravings! I can't stand the idea of mince pies which i usually love haha xx

Omg what a time to be hating mince pies :lol: literally can't turn without seeing them. Hope you're doing alright.
I couldn't cook at all for weeks at the beginning of this pregnancy. I couldn't even catch a smell of cooking without being sick. I wouldn't let OH use garlic in food because could smell when the kids had eaten garlic and that made me sick.

It is a lot like sea sickness. They say if you are prone to sea sicknesses you are more likely to get bad morning sickness.
im living off soup and ready salted crisps, i feel starving will make some tea and then only eat a tiny bit before feeling really full its so strange. bump is deffo growing now tho, even the baggy jumpers and hoodys arnt hiding it very well

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