When did your different symptoms start?


Jul 31, 2006
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Hi ladies,

Just wondering at what stage you had different symptoms?

I'm on my second pregnancy, and with my first, I had bad nausea and cramps by now, but nothing this time!

When did you get nausea? Morning sickness? Heartburn? Cramps? Sore boobs? or anything else I've forgotten...and how bad were your symptoms?

Thank you :wave:!

i have sore boobs, heartburn, need to wee more, constipated and very very tired! no sickness yet, so im hoping i've got away with it!!!

how far gone are you?
I'll be 5 weeks tomorrow. It's still early, I know, so the symptoms could start at any stage!
I was wondering about this too, last time I was pregnant my boobs were like boulders before I even got my BFP (Sadly I miscarried at 6.2weeks). This time my boobs feel fine :think:
I was the same with boobs with my first pregnancy - they were killing me. My last pregnancy I felt nothing with them (mc) and this time they sometimes feel a bit heavier, but nothing at all like my first!
The nausea kicked off for me week 7ish then eased off about week 13. I still comes back every now and then though. My boobs also became sore around the same week and they were painful for weeks.

Heartburn, Indigestion and Constipation all started in the last few weeks.

Now to add to the list I have Sciatica and IBS :rotfl: all good stuff lol
This pg has been completely different from my previous.

The only symptons i have really had was sore bbs (which are now bigger)

At 10 weeks I had two days of sickness in the evening, followed by two nights of nausea but now nothing :D

Am not worried at all though, as I have had two scans and also heard baby's heartbeat for the first time today. I'm just glad i've got away with it so lightly :)

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