I was wondering when you ladies found out whether you're having a boy or girl! Does anyone know what's the earliest you can find out? With my first I found out around 18 weeks. I heard once that you can actually see it at around 14 weeks, but doctors aren't allowed to tell yet for some reason? Is that true or bs?
I'm convinced I'm having another girl (so say gender + placenta prediction haha, but OH thinks boy), and I just can't wait to find out even though I'm really not far along.
Of course most important thing is that baby is healthy no matter what sex, but I'm still anxious to find out
I really admire people who manage to stay team yellow till birth! I couldnt hah
I'm convinced I'm having another girl (so say gender + placenta prediction haha, but OH thinks boy), and I just can't wait to find out even though I'm really not far along.
Of course most important thing is that baby is healthy no matter what sex, but I'm still anxious to find out