When did you all start...


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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....buying things for your baby?

Did you wait till after 3 months or start your 'bottom drawer' as soon as you found out you were pregnant?

Obviously im itching to buy little things and stock up but Im not sure if I should just stick some pennies in a tin each week until further down the road then buy stuff or just start in a week or two?

I saved money up and refused to buy anything untill my 12 week scan and after we had that done we popped out and bought just 1 toy. Once i heard her heartbeat at 17 weeks, then I started buying stuff properly. I now have everything that I need except a couple of things which my mum wants to take me shopping for. :)

I think its all personal choice really :)

I waited until after my 12 weeks scan, but only because I was so so nervous about there not actually being a baby in there!

My mum however waited until I was around 9 weeks then couldnt contain herself lol. I say do which ever you feel is right. If you want to start buying things, go for it! But saving the money that you would of spent until after works too :D x
Mmmmm thanks ladies! Dh I think would rather wait as they do...but you know what its like! But yeah I think I will go with the saving a few pennies each week and then after 12 week scan can go on a shopping spree! lol

Thanks ladies xx
We r gonna put pennies away and then buy stuff after 12 week scan just cos u know how paranoid I am ha ha
I havent bought anything yet other than pregnacare, magazines and a pregnancy book.

I am hoping after my scan next week that I can start looking and buying things.
I waited til 12 weeks too hun:) I had a scare at 10 weeks and have still only just put a deposit down on a pushchair! :) still need to do laods!!!! X
Yeah Mrsmc....lol bless you!

Yeah I think to be fair prob will hang fire till around scan time to be sure....oh but how exciting is it! lol xxx
i bought one or 2 neutral things then went crazy after my 20 weeks scan when i found out it was a girl :)
I brought my first item off ebay last week, a second hand snow suit. Being a December baby and i have ponies and dogs to do, i decided we might need a few snow suits at the ready, and being on the farm decided i would get a couple of cheap second hand ones and then one nice new one for going out ;) .

I haven't brought anything else yet, but we are heading over to see friends on Saturday who live near Peterbrough, so we are going for a trip to Kiddicare, more to get ideas of things that we would like before hubby has his operation in 2 1/2 weeks time (will be laid up for 3-6 months). If there is any really good bargins though, we have decided to buy them. Then maybe another sneeky shop together, after we hopefully find out what we are having next Friday.

By the time he is ready to wonder around the shops after his operation i will not be, so lots of ideas this weekend and next and then order on line. Really pleased he wants to be involved in what we buy for baby.

Talk about going on, sorry, LOL ;)
I waited til after my 20 week scan to buy anything, as OH didnt want to. It was very hard trying to restrain myself! x
Ah that sounds great CB....especially if we have a winter like we did last year! Eeeek!

Ah its hard to stay calm isnt it I just want to get stuck into everything! Im very impatient tho! lol xxx
I brought my first item off ebay last week, a second hand snow suit. Being a December baby and i have ponies and dogs to do, i decided we might need a few snow suits at the ready, and being on the farm decided i would get a couple of cheap second hand ones and then one nice new one for going out ;) .

I haven't brought anything else yet, but we are heading over to see friends on Saturday who live near Peterbrough, so we are going for a trip to Kiddicare, more to get ideas of things that we would like before hubby has his operation in 2 1/2 weeks time (will be laid up for 3-6 months). If there is any really good bargins though, we have decided to buy them. Then maybe another sneeky shop together, after we hopefully find out what we are having next Friday.

By the time he is ready to wonder around the shops after his operation i will not be, so lots of ideas this weekend and next and then order on line. Really pleased he wants to be involved in what we buy for baby.

Talk about going on, sorry, LOL ;)

Ooh i have ponies and dogs too :) what sort of ponies to you have? I have 2 horses now, an IDXTB and an irish TB. both show jumpers and one events a litle bit too x
We didn't buy much stuff until well into the 20's - we don't know what we're having so once you've bought the pram and cot it's difficult to get over excited with all these baby clothes and toys as they're mainly only ever available in pink or blue! lol x
I bought a blanket, 3 pack of sleepsuits and a 5 pack of bodysuits yesterday :love:
With my daughter I didnt buy anything until after my 20 week scan, although we didnt know the sex I just wanted to wait a little longer.

This time around I have just made my first purchase a couple of days ago because it was a bargain and I couldnt resist! I bought the Avent Feeding Solutions set from Babies R Us was 50% off down to £64.99 and it includes Electric Steam Steriliser, lots of different size bottles, bottle brush, insulated bag, food and bottle warmer, soothers, a few travel bits, teats etc so I just had to buy it! Well my Mum wanted to buy it as her gift for baby, she likes to be very organised so thats one things sorted, should be delivered by tomorrow!

Don't think I am going to buy much else until after 20 week scan now though, roll on 15th Sept!!
I haven't bought a thing yet - I'm waiting till my 20 week scan (only 1 week to go :)) then I'm going to start looking around.

Going shopping with my Mum and MIL on August Bank Hol (I live 4 hours from them so these things are planned in advance) so I just know there is going to be some serious spending that weekend! Can't wait!

iv bought most of my stuff after my 20wk scan because i stil cant believe it all real lol now im feeling so much movement i went mad over a few weekends and now have most things except big items cot pram etc
Ah wow ladies your all so very good and stong willed!

I think its only DH stopping me buying things atm or else I would of have the nursery done by now and bought a load of things ha Im terrible!


Just had my pregnant friend round all afternoon tho and been great talking about baby stuff and when were going shopping so after her 20 week scan 9th Aug were off shopping for her! And maybe one little thing for me too!! lol xxx

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