When can I test? And which HPT is best?


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2007
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Hi all
thank you all for your replies to my last ?. Sorry I was unable to answer but things are a little crazy this end!
I am now 11 DPO and was wondering if this is too early to test? If so.. when can I? I have had nausea for the last 6 days and low pelvic pains but dont know if its a bug. Also if I do test' which HPT is best? I am not bothered if its pricey as long as its the most accurate.
Cheers and Good luck to you all ttc and Congrats on all the BFP'S.
love Scarlett :)
Hi Scarlett

I would def say you should use the First Response Test.
I tested with a ebay cheapie and got a really faint line so i wasn't too sure what to think.

I tested soon after with a first response and there it was, my BFP.
I also got the clearblue Digital so i could see the word pregnant in the display, took me 12 months ttc so to say i was a little excited was an understatement and didn't care about the cost either at the time lol

I also had pains the week before i found out, in lower back and legs so fingers crossed for you that its a pg symptom.

Praying you get the news your hoping for :pray:

Let us know :hug:
I think you can test any time from 10 DPO but you get the most accurate resuslts from the first day of your missed period.

I read a review of PG tests somwhere and Superdrug ones came out very high along with Tesco and Asda home brand ones. The clearblue digi test is a good one to use becuase there's no doubt about the result but it is better to use that on the first day of your missed period

hope this helps a little and good luck at getting a BFP :hug: :hug: :hug:

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