Whats your o/h's most annoying habits?

I think everything about OH annoys me! :x examples:

*it annoys me the way he doesn't do any house work apart from dishes and even then they aren't very clean!

*He farts constantly very loudly! In shops, walking down the street, in restaurants! Farted once i Virgin and i actually saw loads of people jump with fright...then he sneaked off and left me standin there with a red face :oops:

*He never listens to me when he cant do something and i suggest a solution. and in the end i'm always right!!!

*Never buys me a birthday prezzie!!! Bought me one in 5 years on my 21st :x

*Sweats too much in bed

*Always wakes me up in the middle of the night wantin a bit!
oh this has made me laugh this am = Thanks :D

Sitting with his hand down his pants, even when people are round
Why do men do this?? it is a comfort thing?? :? hubby does that...

Mine is leaving the front dorr wide open when he goes to put something in the car or post a letter - so the warm house i had is now freezing.

Talks to Ewan just as i've got him to sleep!!

The usual farting / nose picking thing.

And insists on tickling me when i'm really not in the mood and he thinks it hilarious - drives me mad. He also thinks trying to tickle my boobs is funny too... but i REALLY hate it!! :x
He says he's checking it's still there and protecting it from me!! Yeah right, I haven't been near it for 6 months lol :lol: :lol:
hels said:
when my OH wakes up he reaches for my hand (ohhh bless, so sweet) the drags it up to his d*ck and gives it a good rub, so i can be so very impressed with his morning glory!!
This is soooooooooooooo not sexy!!!

PMSL!!! I'm glad I'm not the only one who has to put up with this!!! :lol: :lol:

I think all of DH's bad habits are grating on me even more at the minute because they all involve the one thing I'm really not in the mood for - sex!!! He is incapable of just having a nice cuddle, it always has a sexual undertone. He comes up behind me while I'm cooking and thinks it's hilarious to pretend to hump me like a dog!! When we cuddle up on the sofa, he starts play-biting my nips, which isn't nice at the minute because they are soooo sore. He can't just put his hand on my knee, it has to travel further up while he has a stupid grin on his face!!! :twisted:

His only other one is walking around with blinkers on. Because I'm going bed earlier at the minute, I get up in the morning and everything looks exactly the same as when I went bed!! Dishwasher filled (by me), but not switched on, and any dishes he's used since are stacked on the worktop! Washing is left in washing machine wet, or tumple dryer, dried and creased! Dog has not been fed. :( Back door is unlocked! I could go on and on, but won't......

Apart from that, I love him to bits. He's not once moaned when I've gone bed an hour after he's come home from work. When I moan, he just listens, and doesn't try to fix it. He never moans about the money I spend. He works long hours and really hard. And he's georgeous!!! :D :D

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