Whats your most memorable Christmas present...


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2007
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Either from being a child or an adult???

As a child... had to be my bike! - Me, my brother and sister all wanted a bike each..My dad was out of work so we knew my folks couldnt afford us one ...my 2 siblings and I had opened all our christmas presents.. there was no bikes!.. We all pretended to be pleased with what we had.. but were secretly dissappointed that we didnt get a bike! Dad asked me to go in the kitchen to get him a glass of water... 3 bikes all lined up.. a BMX for my brother, a Grifter for my sister and a Little Red Riding hood one for me..WOWZERS!

As an adult - before I married my husband, our first xmas together he got me an Armani watch// I still wear it!

Your turn!

Edit - oh feck.. sorry mods.. maybe this shoulda been posted in the xmas section! :?
From a kid, it was a barbie car. It was a bright pink limo with a pool at the back!

As an adult my OH bought me and my mum a spa day! It was brill!
My Sega Mega Drive :cheer: As a child, but I want one now!! :lol:

As an adult, my iPod my OH bought me last Christmas.
When I was about 6, my dad stayed up all night building a huge sandpit and shed in the garden for me, and in the morning it was all up, and in the shed there was a new bike.
But Last year my dad bought me a chunky heart necklace witch he got engraved.
& this year my mums buying me a chunky heart bracelt and getting it engraved so I have one from my mum and my dad :)
As a proper kiddy a barbie dolls house! It was amazing!

As a growed up...... towels. My mum got me a big set of massive fluffy towels really nice ones. At the time I was 17 and was just like WTF but now I know how usefull they have been and how frigging expencive a good towel is!
My fav Christmas present was more about how much effort my Mum went to for me rather than what it was! I desperately wanted to go to see Bon Jovi in concert and asked my Mum to get me tickets. She told me she tried to get tickets and they were sold out and even went as far as to give me a fake phone number to call where i could leave my details incase of any cancellations :lol: The fake phone number was her friend who pretended to be some kind of box office and took my details etc. Anyway, needless to say this 'box office' never phone me back with cancellations and a couple of months later on Christmas day I opened one of my presents from my Mum and it was 2 tickets to Bon Jovi. I cried buckets :oops:
I remember my bestest crimbo present, my best friend at school had a baby born and i said mum i really want one and got £35 for a bloody doll bugger off, and my friend was like blah blah you cant play with mine, its so great,so crimbo i open all mypressies and no babyborn, my mum says dont be so ungrateful your going to ruin today for your brother go upstairs and play quietly... and on my beds only a bleeding baby born ! I loved it alot, spent ages making it clothes and feeding it what ic an only assume was *mulch* and cleaning it up when it went straight through it lol Tipping that little bottle up that had nothing in !

My best xmas pressie in the grown up years has to be florence :) all dressed up in her reindeer suit with a big bow on her head. . . . . . . now just gotta get Oh to read this . . . .
As a child it was a box of Commodore 64 games there were loads in it. But to make it worse my Dad put them in an Adidas Samba trainer box and I thought that was what I had got. I had wanted a pair for ages!!

As an adult it is the Eternity ring my OH got me.
As a kid, the black and white electric guitar my Mum and Step-Dad got me :cheer:

As an adult..Well, number one has to be my engagement ring my OH gave me last year..but a very VERY close second would be my GHD's he got me the year before :cheer:
Foxxi said:
As a child... had to be my bike! - Me, my brother and sister all wanted a bike each..My dad was out of work so we knew my folks couldnt afford us one ...my 2 siblings and I had opened all our christmas presents.. there was no bikes!.. We all pretended to be pleased with what we had.. but were secretly dissappointed that we didnt get a bike! Dad asked me to go in the kitchen to get him a glass of water... 3 bikes all lined up.. a BMX for my brother, a Grifter for my sister and a Little Red Riding hood one for me..WOWZERS!

Ditto! My mum & dad did exactly the same to me & my bro :D we have video of it & its hilarious :lol: x
As a child, it was my first ever pet, a sandy-coloured rabbit that I called Princess! I think I was 7 at the time, and I'd been on at my mum and dad to let me have a rabbit for ages. I got up christmas morning, went downstairs and opened up a few presents, then my Dad said he thought it had started snowing and told me to come into the garden so we could see if it was properly. I went out there with him and as I walked into the back garden, I saw a huge rabbit hutch, and started jumping up and down & getting all excited, he opened it and there was this gorgeous little rabbit in there! :D

As an adult, it was the christmas just after Amber was born, and on Christmas Night my OH gave me an envelope with a christmas card inside it. I opened it and there were tickets to see The Eagles in concert at the 02 in London! I was desperate to go and see them but he told me he'd tried ringing them up from work the morning they went on sale and they were all sold out.. he made me wait the whole of christmas day to give me them! :lol:
:eek: How could I forget :doh:

My best ever christmas present ever was Sid the Jack Russell puppy i got when i was 15.

I feel really bad forgetting him :oops:

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