Whats going on?!

Rosie's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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Hi everyone,

Ive been having those tightenings again with cramping :( It started on Wednesday afternoon just before I was due to see the doctor about my iron levels. He didnt really say much so I rang my midwife yesterday morning to tell her I was still getting them (since Saturday); I went to see her and took a water sample - she tested it and it didnt show anything up (like the water infecs I have had before havent) and then arranged to send the sample off for testing too. Whilst I was in her office I had a tightening and she felt my tummy, then decided to send me in to hospital to be checked over.

When I got to hospital they did a trace on the baby, which was fine and also showed up the tightenings I was having which were huge!! I had four in ten minutes on the way to the hospital..thats not bloody normal is it? Anyway, the doctor examined me and said my cervix was closed thank goodness, she also took some swabs and did a test to predict if I was going to go into early labour which came back as negative. She wanted to keep me in overnight but I kindly declined their invitation - thinking of my little Rosie and my arranged dinner out with my friend!

Anyway. I won't get the results until Wednesday. Im not really very happy because I don't think that this is normal. I have been getting cramps with the tightenings which havent given me much respite since Saturday and although they are not changing my cervix, they are certainly getting on my nerves. The doctor told me that my cramps could be my section scar trying to stretch - Im not sure what planet she was from but I know what cramps feel like and its not my scar! I had nausea in the night and again when I got up this morning, I really do think that if I havent got an infection then this baby isnt going to last 6 weeks. Im a bit confused and not sure there is anything I can do but wait until Wednesday :(

Also the midwife, (skinny, young) asked me if I was going to have physio. I was thinking she was talking about SPD or something, then she said ;your tummy muscles have taken a battering, they are completely untoned' - I looked at her and my look must have told her I was about to slap her..what a ridiculous thing to say!! I wanted to say errm look my dear, I am 8 months pregnant and whn you are pregnant your abdominal muscles tend to separate. In my case of previous section this is especially likely! D'oh! When I expressed my disgust at her comment to Oh he told me I was being sensitive!! Men!! :wall2:
Is there anywhere you can go for a second opinion? I'm sure things are fine, but a mothers instinct should always be listened to in my opinion, even if its just for peace of mind. Really hope you are feeling better soon.x
Big :hug:Helen! Those tightenings definitly don't sound right! I dont really have anything to suggest. You have to put your faith in the doctors that they know what they are talking about (although I know its hard).

So the doctor couldn't give you any explaination to why these are happening? (apart from the scar thing - even to me that sounds stupid!)

Your urine tests might come back from the lab with some kind of answer? Last time I went to the consultant he said my urine was clear but I had very high BP so he sent it away anyway and it came back with a little infection.

Hope things settle down for you xxxx
:hug: I'd pitch up at the hospital saying it's getting worse and cross my fingers that it's a different doctor on! Hope you find out what's going on xxxx
Im more convinced I have a water infection, this nausea isnt right and I just feel 'off'. I will just have to see how it goes, she did say if it gets worse to go back. My blood pressure has gone up slightly too Erin, maybe that has something to so with it. It just seems such a long wait til Wednesday.

I really just want the next 6 weeks to fly by now!
:hug: this sounds like a nightmare hun. I hope you get the results you need to sort this out. My GP prescribed antibiotics while we were waiting for my urine test results. Might be worth a ring to antenatal clinic to express your concerns and the fact that youve had the exact symptoms before. Ask if they would be willing to prescribe antibiotics in advance of the tes results.
Oh No :( Not having an easy time of it are you lady?!

I hope you get some answers soon, i am sure wee baby is fine in there though and you have done nearly full-term so dont be too worried

hugs xxx
:hug: this sounds like a nightmare hun. I hope you get the results you need to sort this out. My GP prescribed antibiotics while we were waiting for my urine test results. Might be worth a ring to antenatal clinic to express your concerns and the fact that youve had the exact symptoms before. Ask if they would be willing to prescribe antibiotics in advance of the tes results.

This is a really good suggestion, I will ring my surgery this morning and see what they say. I said yesterday that I couldnt believe they didnt give me some in anticipation of the results, its what usually happens when I get these symptoms. Im on the peppermint tea now to try and ease the sickiness. :roll:
I had really strong tightenings at 34 weeks with Grace - they said I was def having proper contractions and like you was having a few in a 10 min period. They told me they thought I had eaten something which was irritating my stomach causing irritation to my uterus. I still don't think this was the case as I had not had a bad tum or anything just started with contractions. The midwives were convinced I was going to have baby soon and discussed steroid injections with me but I chose to go home until things progressed - anyway after a couple of days rest it's seemed to subside. I went back and worked for a further 2 weeks and was ok, I ended up going 8 days over!!! I would say try and get your feet up as much as you can, I know it's hard with a toddler in tow but you must take some time to rest when you can. Drink plenty of water too, that's seems to help. I would def get another opinion if you can, just to be sure.
'eaten something that had irrated the uterus' jeez our medical professionals come out with some pap sometimes dont they!
Thanks everyone, I saw my GP this morning who is ringing the hospital to chase my test results, I have to call her at 5pm. She says that if they are clear and the symptoms continue then she might send me back to be checked again (for the hospital to tell me they cant do anything) or might just put it down to my body getting ready for labour - the tightenings have been happening all day and I have had niggly pains way low down there. I am drinking loads, I usually drink over 2 litres of water plus other fluids per day so I think Im hydrated enough. I am just going to have to wait this out I think. The doc reluctantly gave me a script for some anti-biotics just in case, I havent started them yet.
Oh jeese, just caught up with your thread! Sounds like you're having a right time of it!! Did they take blood tests too, if it's not a urine infection could be a random low grade infection somewhere else that would show up in the white cell count, but not enough to give you any infection symptoms other than the contractions? Just a thought!!
No they didnt take any blood - they did two swabs and sent an MSU off - in a way I hope it is an infection because then I will at least know that these tightenings will stop and my body isnt 'preparing' - I would prefer to go at least 2 weeks further towards full term - I really dont want the worry of an early baby :(
Hmm, I'd ask for a blood test too. I know with the people I work with (over 65's) a tiny generalised infection is enough to make them very confused. Maybe for you the same sort of thing happens but it makes you contract? An MSU or swabs wont necessarily show that up. I hope the GP has some answers and bub keeps cooking a while longer!! :hug:
I have to take another sample to the doc's on Monday, the result came back as mixed growth which suggests contamination :wall: The tightenings have been pretty much constant all day and this evening they have been very tight. I dont know what else to do aside from monitor it myself. Im very confused as I have read that Group B Strep (I tested positive for this) can cause premature labour. I asked the doc at the hospital yesterday if the GBS could have any bearing on these tightenings and she said no. I read about it on the premature babies site Tommy's so I would think they know what they are talking about. I am just getting to the end of my tether with this, its been happening for a week now. Im half expecting my waters to go!
oh hun, just seen this. Not really got any advice for you as I'm a bit thick about things like this but didn't want to not comment. Just wanted to say that I hope you're okay and things get sorted quickly for you - it sounds sooo uncomfortable!
Take care hun xxx
oh RM, I really hope they stop soon, what a time youv'e had recently. Lets hope othat its an infection and they get you some antibiotics ASAP and you can get back to normal,:hug:
Sorry your having such a rough time of it RM - have you started taking the antibiotics yet - it sounds like the sooner you take them the better. I really hope things quiten down for you it must be a very worrying time sending you lots of:hug:
So sorry your going through all this :( Any news? Has things settled down yet for you?
How are you doing today RM?? Hope those contractions have settled down!!!

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