Whats everyones views on Mediums?


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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I really want to go and see a medium for two reasons, one to see if she mentions anything about my little angel and two just to have the experiance. Just wondered what everyones views were? x x

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I'd like to do it for the experience . I'm not sure sure if I believe in it . But im curious .
Have you ever been to the spiritualist church in Liverpool hun?

I haven't but a lot of my colleagues go on a Wednesday afternoon and swear by it. They also do special evenings first Friday of the month I think?
I don't believe in them but I think the experience would be interesting x
Have you ever been to the spiritualist church in Liverpool hun?

I haven't but a lot of my colleagues go on a Wednesday afternoon and swear by it. They also do special evenings first Friday of the month I think?

Thanks hunny, i have a look into this x x

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I believe in it but would only see one that cane recommended or Sally Morgan x
I saw one about 2 months ago and she predicted that I'll go into labour 3 weeks early, and I will have a quick labour. She got loads right about my past and present, I think it's cool! So we shall see about the labour thing! X
my OH can do it. but its not real, he doesnt do it except for party tricks and he never tells people hes speaking to the dead. "mind reading" can be very convincing. I think some mediums dont realise how theyre doing it, and genuinely believe they are for real. I hopeso anyway cos otherwise what they do is just cruel. personally if i could talk to the dead i'd be asking lots of questions about the afterlife.
i do belive but have never had a personal reading done myself. my friend who i worked with had one last year and i came up in hers! The woman described someone who had fallen and hurt themselves in the lip area and on her bit of paper it had 'tooth through lip' - i had fainted and done it on my holiday! Very random but what the hell! How did she know? Xx oh i used to use angel cards on myself all the time but since i've moved out i haven't they are still at my mums, i must get them. Xx
is that spiritualist church thing like a christian church?
if you get a good 1 then its fantastic but if you get a bad one you will think they are rubbish ive seen a bit of both really

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