What's everyone up to today?


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2008
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I have a busy day today- we have people coming over for fireworks at 7, I have emptied Evie's bedroom to a)clear out some of her toys before Xmas and b) clear up so we can rug doctor (the carpet cleaner not a gynae!) on Thursday! I have filled a black sack of rubbish and a pink sack for the charity shop so far and haven't even started on her wardrobe!!

I want to pop down to an NCT nearly new sale later on to see if I can get any stocking fillers for Evie but might have to give it a miss!

I start these things and then wish I hadn't....... :eh:
I was going to take Emily to the train station - she's going shopping for her birthday (tomorrow) in Manchester then go and buy birthday cards for her but hubby has offered to do it as me and Hebe are starting with colds :(

So I'll potter about and do some :wash::dish::hang: before Em gets back with her friend who's staying over and I think I'll write a Christmas shopping list and see what I can do online :)
Im always dejunking ...its a bit of a habit. I usually have 3 bags ...sell, bin and charity! Just before summer we had to hire a skip after one of my dejunking moments haha!!

ATM Im still in PJs since Caitlin decided 7am was acceptable :slap: ha! Shes snotty nosed and whining so yer it's a start to a good day! :lol: Staying in cosy warm. Bonus side is Megan is still counting sheep - think I need a 3rd coffee and a shower!

I need to sort their clothes out but now my lady starts nursery next week 2 of the top things on my list is sorting their drawers and wardrobes and vaxing the carpets. I'll toy dejunk couple of days before Caitlins 2nd birthday.
Ive got to go to Sainsburys in a minute ... its going to be rammed like it always is on a weekend so im thinking to park at work and just walk down, its only 5 minutes

Then ive got to go pick up loads more decorating stuff, take it to the new house, let OH quickly sort some electrical stuff there, then go and buy one final piece of carpet and be home by teatime

Yeah right *yawn*

I dont know how you girls dejunk so often, im a hoarder haha!!
Wow you're busy... I'm hoping to do as little as possible :lol: We've had such a busy week and next week is the same. While it's actually sunny we'll take Sam to the park though - he's been stuck inside for most of the week because the weather's been so bad :(
Everyone has interesting busy days planned.

I am still in my PJ's Amelia was a monkey last night and got up at 11pm, then decided to giggle and play and around in our bed until 2am, so she is going to be super grumpy and tired today.

Probably will pop out this afternoon somewhere, maybe Toy r us (woohoo toys!!), i hate being cooped inside all day!
me and my mummy are going shopping :D grandad's looking after katie,w hich could be interesting :lol: will be nice to go out without a pram!! was going to cook a curry tongiht, but mum's decided to do burgers instead!!
we're all still in jammies!!

ffion woke up at 7, went back down for a nap at 9 so i went back to bed and ive just got up LOL!!!

will potter around doing housework no doubt.. not going out because its raining!!
The weather here is awful I blooming hate the wind! I wanna move *hissy*!

My Caitlins just not happy today! I'm hiding in the kitchen :lol:
my kids are grumpy today to bleugh...
well i've just ordered the asda shopping on line and we've not long had breakfast :) we all had a nice long lay in till 9:30 :thumbup: so i'm about to get on with some cleaning, ironing and about to hang up my second wash load (ha i'm obsessed!!) i too am doing a bit of de-junking before xmas :)

later this afternoon me and maddi will go and see mum, and maybe do soft play - depending on weather, james' working from home this afternoon x
We're staying in today,it's really windy here and rain is starting.
Hubby was busy in the kitchen and living room this morning,so i think i'll move upstairs,sort out our wardrobes and just clean,clean,clean all day long ..
I'm dejunking today too, I started it yesterday but I'm being ruthless so we may not anything left by this evening :lol:

I'm also sorting the living room in time for xmas, I've decided the kids have too much free access to their toys in their so I'm hiding half of it :rofl: I'm just going to leave in a samll basket and then give them different things every day :thumbup: I seem to spend my life tidying that room, well no more :mad:

I have things to sell too but I'm waiting until spring as its mostly summery, I must have 20+ dresses of Katies that she barely wore or didnt wear!

Right need to shift my butt :wave: have a great day everyone and think of me :(

Wobbles you're always decluttering and it always puts me in the mood :lol:
The weather's horrible here now :( It was nice and sunny for about 20 minutes so we hung some washing out and the washing line blew away :rofl: So now I'm washing everything again :lol:

I was going to take some photos of me with Sam today because I have loads of Toby and me but he's just fallen over and now looks like he's been punched in the face... he's got a huge bruise on his cheek and I think he might have a black eye by the time I'm showered and ready for photos :lol:
well, still feeling the effects of the :wine: from last night... seems DH is gearing up for an afternoon in front of the footie on TV, so I'll be making green tomato chutney and probably some flapjack that I seem to have the urge for ;)
we ended up going to OHs parents.. his nan is staying there for the weekend aswell and they had their log fire going so we went over for a cuppa.. ended up staying 3hours!!

will be back there 2moro for sunday lunch :D
sounds like some lovely saturdays :thumbup: enjoy guys :D
mamafy - hope your dejunking went well :D x
well i had a lovely shopping trip, grandad coped with katie just!! but i was knackered and as we were leaving town it started pissing down. so princess didnt get a walk and was climbing the walls!! was so glad when bed time came!!

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