what will baby look like??


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2011
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i dont know if this is just me but does anyone worry what their lo will look like?

i have done with all my pregnancies and both my son and daughter are gorgeous and were as babies but i worry if baby will be funny looking lol


all the pics on here are of gorgeous babies x x
I'm sure your little one will be gorgeous, all babies are beautiful xxxxxx
lol think its just me x x something else for me to worry about x x x
Lol I think about this too like I pick out which out of mine and OH's features I'd prefer the baby to have, haha! But I'm sure when they arrive no matter what they look like we will be completly biased and think they are most beautiful little things in the world :) xx
lol i do that too x id love Lo to have OH eyes as they are the most gorgeous hazel colour ever, mine are deep blue and my other 2 kids have mine x x
Yep I've thought about it a lot too lol! I dread her having OHs legs and nose and feet and fingers but like others have said I'm sure I won't be bothered once she arrives
I'm worried too lol! The one thing I didn't want baby to have is OHs chin.. And in the scan pics it looks like it has.. Big time!!!! I wanted bubs to have his lips which are VERY full.. (we both have full lips but his are huge lol) and again in scans it looks like it has :cheer:
My oh is quite immature and takes the piss out of ugly babies (not badly just like.. Omg how ugly is that baby!) and it pisses me off.. I'm worried all his slagging off will lead us to an ugly baby :( I have no idea what our baby will look like coz he's not the father of my girls so bubs won't look like them..

I do worry about 'mothers eye' but tbh I'll love my baby no matter what :D
my eldest looked like my oh when he was born but he looks more like me now and my 2nd one looked like my grandad but is now my oh double !!!! both have blonde hair and blue eyes but both me and oh have blue/grey eyes !! just hope lo doesnt end up with mil chin !!! anything else i can live with !!!:) xxx
lol my OH isnt dad to my other kids to so i feel same x x although my dd had a massive nose on her scan pics, which my mum kept pointing out (mine isnt small) lol and i was dreading her having a big nose, luckily she didnt lol xx
I think all noses look bigger in scan pics for some reason especially 4d ones! Was so worried about Ellie's nose! But she's ok lol

Mothers eye is when the mother truly believes her kid is really cute but it actually isn't lol!!

My girls are a proper mix of me and my ex... They have opposites like Ellie has my lips Jaycee has his, same with eyes nose hair the lot! But we had kinda similar features so they actually look the image of each other yet they are very different! I truly have no clue what this one is gonna look like lol!! I really can't wait!!
I think about this too! Especially as the face isn't looked at closely, and the skin is something that can't be seen, as is the hair. I heard of a baby being born with 2 front teeth already in though :/

That being said my son was born with hair and it was cute. He has grown up to look exactly as I pictured him in my head, despite me having brown hair and brown eyes he is blue eyed and fair haired with a handsome face, EXACTLY how I pictured him :)

I think this baby will look like his dad.
Yeah I've heard of babies being born with teeth sod bf then!!!

Jaycee is brown hair with bluey green eyes and Ellie is blonde with blue eyes.. I think black hair and brown eyes will be next!! Oh has very dark hair I have brown and he has brown eyes.. I've read brown eyes are more dominant than blue so it's a good possibility on brown eyes!
Baby had a fair bit of hair at my last scan so I know why I'm getting heartburn lol!!
I've had a silly thing from the start. I'm slightly afeared that my LO is going to be blonde and blue eyed. The reason being is I have very dark mediterranean looks. I really don't want people to think I've been stealing babies when they see me pushing him around! I'm a Heinz 57 and DH has some very fair relatives so really I don't know what bubs is gonna look like. Completely irrational I know coz Im gonna love whatever I get.
I got some funny looks as Jaycee came out dark skinned with jet black hair lol!! She's got lighter now so just a slight tan and light brown hair :) Ellie is pale as anything though lol total opposites even down to their skin! :roll:
I do wonder what skin this one will have as my oh has what I call 'ginger skin' where he is white as anything and goes bright pink just mentioning the sun! Hoping it will have my skin!!
It really is a lottery isn't it. Quite exciting to find out what you are gonna get.
One of the girls I know has very pale skin but with a hint of tan and very dark hair and she looks quite different from her daughter who is white pale but has bright blonde hair lol.

I just hope LO has lots of hair like my side!
My poor little guys gonna be bald when he's older. My dad and my DH's family are both prone to it. Nevermind.
My nephew was an odd looking baby but at the same time the most gorgeous baby I have ever seen (so far!). He is now 6 and a right little heart breaker!xx

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