What baby clothes are a no no????

I don't like little ones in jeans as personally I don't find them that comfy so neither will a newborn. I love babygro and romper sets with the matching booties, hats etc. I love animal clothes and anything with ears particularly. lol I also love little tracksuits and what I call 'comfy' clothes. x
Mainly going to be dressing my LO in babygros and romper suits... want her to be comfy :) Have a few little outfits for 'special occasions' and important visitors! lol

Really love the snuggly, cosy clothes - but don't like sportswear for babies, trainers and jeans are a definite no no for me, ohhh and jewellery on babies is not right (in my opinion!)

The other thing I don't personally like (but which I know is very popular!) are the fancy dress type outfits that come out at Christmas, Halloween, Easter, etc... I really hope no-one gives us a snowman, Father Christmas or pumpkin outfit for our LO as I really don't like dressing babies up like that, and would feel I had to use it so as not to be rude.
i have to admit to liking the 'mummies little pudding' christmas pudding outfit...lol.....xx
I'm really not fussy. I have mostly sleepsuits for LO, but i think when we go out, i'll prob be more inclined to dress her "properly" - like a dress or something. My auntie bought a little pink tracksuit - joggers and a hoody - which im not keen on.

I have a bear sleep suit, and i LOVE disney stuff - but i love it in general anyways.

My biggest bug bear is spending a fortune on things! - im such a cheap skate - but i dont get the point on spending a fortune on things that you're luck if they'll wear once or twice. Just about everything I've bought has come from one of the supermarkets or primark. They have nice things - so i dont see the point on spending like £20 on one sleepsuit! lol

Think when she gets a bit older i'll have more of an opinion- i hate stores that have like 3-13yr ranges - why on earth would you dress a 3 year old in something a 13 year old would be wearing!!

Im a bit undecided about the jewellery - although def wont be peircing ears until she's old enough to ask ask for it, and understand it. But my neice has been obssed by jewellery since she was 18months, so she's always had little plastic braclettes and stuff. xxx
For halloween m had a stripy cat baby grow I hated the idea of tracksuites but when ms ill she's got some nice warm pink cotton trackie bottoms with a bow on the legs and I have to admit they are so cute. A lot of the time I go for comfort and practicality now but dresses and knitted cardies are a must xz

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I loved little jeans on Ben when he was a baby!

My no no is knitted clothes! I hate knitted cardigans in particular!

Not keen on jewellery either or hairbands on bald heads or little girls with hardly any hair having the little bit they have being scraped into a pony tail on the top of her head - just because it looks painful!
I've got lots of clothes, pretty much all babies jeans r really soft anyway so grace will be in jeans and proper clothes from the start. Got so many cute outfits but will use baby grows for sleep time and obv vests under clothes. I think this also helps baby to know the difference between day and night. Helps get in to a routine quicker! But as for certain clothes I don't really have a preference, got knitted cardys, Disney outfits, jeans, fluffy snow suits :)
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i have to admit to liking the 'mummies little pudding' christmas pudding outfit...lol.....xx

I think a lot of people do like them!! The shops are always full of them... It's probably only me that doesn't like them! Lol. :)
But have to say I hate babies having their ears peirced and believe that a parent should wait till there child asks!-just personal opinion:)
My DH hates Disney stuff so Pip doesn't have any.

I don't like tracksuits. Pip has been given a few but i don't like them and he probably won't wear them.
I think it's cruel to make them look like animals! Sophie is dressed in normal clothes like a proper little person.

At the minute all she generally wears is leggings and a top with cardigans or little jumpers. I don't feel quite ready to put her in a skirt or really girly clothes yet.
The only thing I really hate on little boys is tracksuits, can't stand em!! and Riven will not be wearing them :)

We have decided that if we are going round to family's houses then we will leave him in sleepsuits and baby gro's, if we go out in public I will dress him in proper clothes.

I have no aversion to Jeans, I love them and as long as they are loose enough I have no problem putting Bug in them either.

In respects to jewellery I don;t like ear piercings on a baby I think they look tacky and chavvy, and I don;t mind saying it, the only thing that Bug may wear as he gets older is an Amber necklace to help with teething, one of my friends swears by it!!
Oh I also hate sloganed (sp??) tshirts!!! She's got one that says I'm the cute little sister and I dread putting her in it.
Oh I also hate sloganed (sp??) tshirts!!! She's got one that says I'm the cute little sister and I dread putting her in it.

:blush: - i brought a few of these kinda shirts back from the states for my neice and nephew. lol. my fav one was "im the big sister so im in charge" lol

Oh I also hate sloganed (sp??) tshirts!!! She's got one that says I'm the cute little sister and I dread putting her in it.

Yes, I hate these too... Hate them for adults and children, so definitely not right for innocent little babies!

I'm loving this thread - great to see how we all have such different opinions and tastes... Wondering how our own personal preferences will impact on the preferences of our LOs as they grow up...! :)
I don't do jeans, tracksuits, Disney, animal print, animal suits i don't do much really lol.

I would have a boy in baby blue and a girl in baby pink and dressed like babies till 18m plus but that's just me and don't see anything wrong with other peoples choices.

How could I, I put tights on my boy
I'm really not too fussy as long as LO is comfy and cute :) the one thing I hate are baby high heels! I saw them at a store and the clerk kept trying to convince me to buy them! No way!
I have a few outfits for when we go see grand parents and things for the list time but I think she will just live in sleep suits they seem like it will be the comfiest thing for her xx
i quite like traditional things for a newborn; all in one sleepsuits, knitted cardies and booties etc.

i dont like obviously branded/designer clothes on babies.....

i am havign a boy but if i was having girl, i love knitted dresses.
I'm really not too fussy as long as LO is comfy and cute :) the one thing I hate are baby high heels! I saw them at a store and the clerk kept trying to convince me to buy them! No way!

I didn't even know they did them!!!!! To be honest I'm not the best walker in high heels and babies can't even walk what would ever ever be the point of them?!? Glad you said no - I would have done the same thing. I do think it's a bit easier with boys to avoid this sort of stuff.

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