What to do ?


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2015
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I was 6 weeks 6 days, last night i started spotting and it eventually turned to painful cramps and red bleeding. I still felt pregnant ( nausea and boobs) so my DH rang out of hours who made a huge fuss and sent me in some pointless ambulance.

I waited 5 hours to be seen, and the A and E dr shrugged at us saying he couldnt get us a scan till Thursday and to come back if the bleeding got worse.

I think its obviously ended.. were both so sad here this morning. I dont know what to do if this happens? I have a number for a midwife I was given or do I ring my gp? I'm in a lot if pain with cramps right now as they couldnt give me anything in case i still was. I am at a loss.

Do I need anti D after a miscarriage?

Any help is appreciated x
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I would ring your GP for an emergency appt. They will then refer you to the Early Pregnancy unit at your local hospital who should scan you today. Sometimes you can self refer to the EPU so give them a call this morning. Fx it's not the end for you!
I would ring your GP for an emergency appt. They will then refer you to the Early Pregnancy unit at your local hospital who should scan you today. Sometimes you can self refer to the EPU so give them a call this morning. Fx it's not the end for you!

Thank you, trying the midwives number right now that my surgery gave me as my surgery wont have emergency appointments till 12. Dr last night was useless ive never felt so embaressed for going to a and e.
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Hello and I want to say how sorry I am for your news.

I have experienced two m/c which were very different. The first one I had a lot of bleeding at 13 weeks and went to the drs. The GP examined me and straight away could see I was losing the baby. I had to go straight in and stay overnight and have a D and C in the morning.

I went on to have two further daughters (there is hope!). I already had a daughter who was 2 when I lost the first one.

I lost another one 2 years ago and had no indication I was losing it - no bleeding, felt pregnant, still had positive tests etc but at the 12 week scan, there was no heartbeat. I had to go in and have another D & C. I made them do another ultrasound to confirm as I still felt so pregnant.

Hopefully you will get seen today by your own GP who will examine you and see what's happening. Don't feel bad about going to A & E, that's what they are there for. It's really scary and such a horrible thing to go through.

I will keep my fingers crossed for you, and hope you have some answers today xx
Thank you, I am so sorry for what youve been through. Cant imagine going for something like that but I'm glad that there was a little rainbow for you in the end xx

I know im losing baby, I am so so heart broken.. DH is with me today but we were so excited, its our anniversary and my birthday next week so we were treating it as the best gift ever.

My Gp was lovely, sadly epu can only see me Thursday (this time im actually booked in) so I'll go then but it's too heavy now. Dr kept saying it might be a bleed since I didnt have an implantation one but I know its not. I still feel pregnant is the saddest thing.. my boobs hurt and I'm really nauseous.

I tested yesterday cause im a worrier and couldnt believe it and it came up brighter and now this. I dont want to go thursday.
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Hi hun I'm sorry to hear this :(
Is the bleeding heavy and red?
They didn't do a acam with me, just bloods that confirmed I had mc'd.
I'm really hoping you are still pg hun and its just your body adjusting. If you want someone to talk to feel free to pm me xxx
Hi hun I'm sorry to hear this :(
Is the bleeding heavy and red?
They didn't do a acam with me, just bloods that confirmed I had mc'd.
I'm really hoping you are still pg hun and its just your body adjusting. If you want someone to talk to feel free to pm me xxx

Thank you lovely xx

Yeh its red, I have a pad on so its not soaking that but its there when I goto the loo and I had two "tmi incidents" but no clots.

Thank you xx I'm just trying to relax with DH, we were in A and E till 4am and I didnt sleep a wink. But i'm sitting here wondering what i did wrong, if i had done something i wasnt suppose to? I know ill never know but its so sad and frustrating
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Hun I did exactly the same...analysed everything i had done and blamed myself but it's nothing you did hun. Baby just wasnt ready yet but he/she will be! I just hope it is soon. Xxx
Hi Spirited, I'm so sorry for you. It's the worst heartbreak and you are being so brave. Please don't feel silly for being in A&E - people go for far less and you were perfectly justified in being there.

I'm sure there was absolutely nothing you did wrong. Some babies are meant to make it and some babies would have just been too poorly to make it. We all want to be able to know the reason why but with an early loss it just won't have been anything you could have controlled xxxxxx
Thanks ladies, The A and E doctor was the absolute worse I think thats why I felt so embaressed to be there. If I had any energy I would of made a complaint as he was very inappropriate and rude (one lady had a screaming match with him, no lie).

I did lose last night, pain got worse towards the evening where I was struggling to cope but now im a lot better today. I guess its a big shock to the system. Compared to my last miscarriage (which lasted over 4 days) this was just full on and vicious.

I wish there was more of a support system for ladies or information. I had no idea what to do.. who to call and NHS Out of hours treated me as an emergency with blooming ambulances and then when I got there noone knew anything.

Least if it happens again I know who to see and about EPU.
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