What should I do?


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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Girls I need your opinions !!

I have just got a positive OPK... we have BD'd last night and the night before and obviously I want to again tonight and tomorrow - well the problem is .... I have no EWCM what so ever !!! Not even any mucus!!! I'm dryer than ever!!! So I thought about egg whites ..... I wouldn't mind just trying it just tonight..

Again the next problem is - I mentioned it to the OH and he laughed me out the room... I asked why and he said "no ... No... No .... Noooooo... Not a cat in hells chance" I then pulled a sad face and tried to bribe him with a blow job (TMI LOL).. He turned my offer down DAMMIT!

Should I do it behind his back ???
Dya reckon he would notice it??

I really believe my problem lies with my cervical mucus and after trying EPO it still hasn't helped...

Ha ha, sorry to laugh, but egg whites? Seriously? Does that work? Wouldnt it just make the sperm stick in it and not get where its supposed to?

Some people just dont produce that much, thats what ky etc is for, especially if you are dehydrated! Have you drunk enough water this month?

I suggest preseed! Thats what its for, it supposed to do the job if there isnt enough CM and it helps the sperm as opposed to some of the other brands which hinder it.
hey loopylou! im not sure i could do it. if u do it behind his back and suddenly he feels there is ewcm he's gonna be suspicous right? lol xx
Lol i love the bribe :rofl:.. I say GO FOR IT... What he doesnt know wont hurt him? And he'l be to interested in some loving he wont notice (hopefully :)) xx
Hiya ladies -
I have done alot of research and Apparantly alot of women swear by it ... I'm a tad dubious though .. But also getting desperate!!

I only drink water and fruit tea so yep I think I have drank enough water ;-(

Ok so let's say I scrap the egg White idea lol -- can anybody suggest anything I can buy that would help tonight? From asda or tesco etc?? Is jy jelly sperm friendly?? X
hun - i hardly ever have any...at all and i managed to get a bfp.....so sont worry my lovely xx
they sell 'concieve plus' in boots if there is still one open near you
Lol ninja I'm shocked at how close I was to cracking an egg open!!!

Lol ninja I'm shocked at how close I was to cracking an egg open!!!

LOOOOOOL the idea makes me gip *bok*bok*bok*

Stay safe with Conceive Plus or Preseed. You don't want any of that there salmonella near your foo-foo.
Lol ninja I'm shocked at how close I was to cracking an egg open!!!

LOOOOOOL the idea makes me gip *bok*bok*bok*

Stay safe with Conceive Plus or Preseed. You don't want any of that there salmonella near your foo-foo.

Haha foo foo!! Love it!

Who has used this stuff?? How much am I to use? Where do I put it?? I can't reach my cervix!!! Oh dammit I'm useless lol!!

Woah Babes be careful not to use too much!

I did the first time I bought it and it's really TMI squelchy, Hubby was like what's going on, it's like a river up there!

Good Luck anyway! ;)

I think with the Conceive Plus you just spread it on the general *ahem* area.

With the Preseed you can get a pack which comes with applicators which look a lot like the mini syringe things you get with kids medicine. You use the applicator to sort of apply internally so your cervix is coated in the sperm friendly lubricant.

The Preseed stuff is super gloopy so you don't need much otherwise it goes everywhere.
Woah Babes be careful not to use too much!

I did the first time I bought it and it's really TMI squelchy, Hubby was like what's going on, it's like a river up there!

Good Luck anyway! ;)


Thx for the tips chick!!!

I think with the Conceive Plus you just spread it on the general *ahem* area.

With the Preseed you can get a pack which comes with applicators which look a lot like the mini syringe things you get with kids medicine. You use the applicator to sort of apply internally so your cervix is coated in the sperm friendly lubricant.

The Preseed stuff is super gloopy so you don't need much otherwise it goes everywhere.

Preseed is next on my to buy list if this one doesn't work!

Fx I don't need to though :-D

Good luck to all you lovely ladies too!! X

Glad you managed to get some concieve plus. Can you imagine what the egg white would have done to your sheets. Especially if you didn't change them for a day or two :oooo:.
Haha tell me about it !!

I also have a vision of the egg whites cooking due to my body heat haha - what was I thinking???!!!!!! X


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