What parts of the forum do you post on?


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2005
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I only tend to come to off-topic, adults/members only, older children, ask a mum and TV, Film and music.

Am I being selfish? I feel funny going in the TTC and pregnancy bits because I don't know anyone and they might think 'who the hell is she?' :oops:
It depends on the mood I am in and how much time I have.
I don't normally go into ttc or preg bits because I am not either of them (pregnant or TTC) but sometimes if I want a nose (for instance the sex of Urchins baby) then I will go in there.

When you first starting posting on the other bits of the forum no one knew you either :D - so I wouldn't be too concerned about people wondering who you were :D
i like to go on all parts of the forum but Im a bit of a forum whore so I get around!! :roll: :lol:
mummykay said:
i like to go on all parts of the forum but Im a bit of a forum whore so I get around!! :roll: :lol:

That explains the near 5000 posts then. - I think I need to turn into a whore (a forum one of course) :D
3rd tri
sometimes 2nd
off topic
tv + film
that's it i think
I usually read/post in all the babies and toddlers sections, off topic, adult/members, erm.. most of them actually but I don't tend to go in TTC or pregnancy bits either. The main reason being I have an order I go through the forum :oops: and I never seem to get to those sections before I have to be off again!

I always feel a bit ignorant actually but it's so hard to keep on top of them all!
FREYA!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Stop it :rotfl: You made me choke on my pizza.
I post in 2nd Tri mainly

but also post in Off topic, 1st tri, TTC
i tend to go to the first years, adult, off topic and if ive got enough time ill go into ask a mum and the dads section now that DH is a member, i dont feel right going into the tri sections or the TTc or MC and loss sections
I try to go everywhere at least once a week, but mainly off topic, B&T info, TV, Adult
mainly TTC and in here

but really ...anywhere - and I'm not shy about butting into the tris or toddler bits :wink:

the only bits I tend to forget are welcome to new members and tech support
I'm realising there are still lots of people that don't even know about or post in off topic!!

I do check whatever parts of the forum take my fancy, I love looking for BFP's in TTC and people in labour in 3rd tri. :lol:

I do try and offer advice in the babies and toddlers bit, cos when Brody was smaller I found them a godsend and sometimes I think questions aren't as "well replied" as they used to be. (Not meaning the replies aren't good, I mean there aren't as many people replying as there used to be.)

Apart from that I'm mainly in Off Topic :)
I try to cheak all parts of the forum. I like to look for BFPs and Labours or New Arrivals.

I do post in the tri's or the parenting forums if i have any advice to give!

But i'd say i post mainly in Off Topic, Products and Reviews and i also look in the Pictures section a lot :D [/code]
I think I post everywhere except the miscarriage and loss section and TTC section, mainly because I am pregnant and have a kid and I don't want to upset anyone in there...

There was a thread a long while ago about whether people found the pregnancy tickers offensive or the pictures of the angle babies... and some of the people from Miscarriage and loss said it could be upsetting. So I don't want to be responsible for upsetting them any more than they already are... :hug: :hug: :hug: But I do go in there and follow peoples threads... only once or twice responding to a thread but making sure to remove my ticker etc.
3rd Tri
Off Topic
Baby and Toddler General
Baby and Toddler Feeding
Baby and Toddler Health
Baby and Toddler Routines

in that order.

If I have extra time on my hands...

Adult area
TV/Ents just to check the hollyoaks thread
Health and Beauty
Baby and Toddler Photos
Dads section
Older Children

If I have lots of extra time on my hands...

2nd Tri
1st Tri

I would go into TTC but I was never TTC so I don't think I have much knowledge to offer in there, and the abbreviations are like :shock: I sometimes have a peak in the MC/Loss section as I often think maybe I can share experiences etc but theres always loads of stuff in there I don't understand too as I didn't know my MC was happening until it did so I can't help with the symptoms, so I tend not to try sticking my nose in in case I make people feel worse.
Seems as though we are all against the clock! I would love to post everywhere but I don't have time. I log onto my yahoo in the morning and read the threads I've posted on that have had replies. Then I look at new threads in off topic and reply to some of them, then by the time I've done that theres usually more replies from the threads I've already replied to from my yahoo, then I usually think 'better check facebook' and end up messing on there and poking some people then its back to the forum la de de de....you know the rest.

Oh and between doing that I wash up, hoover, feed and dress Isaac, feed the cat, do the shopping, do the ironing, make myself look stunning for when OH gets home :fib: and generally be a household goddess and mum in a million :wink:
I usually only post in TTC and Off Topic.

I do look in on some of the other areas but rarely post.

p.s. Everyone is welcome to come and say hello to us all in TTC :wave: :wave:

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