What pain relief do you plan to have?

sparky said:
Jimmer. may i suggest you take something for the crushing injuries you will sustain! :rotfl: i almost broke my dh's hand!

:lol: Too right - I am thinking of buying one of those fake stage hands to pretend it is mine she is squeezing!
I reckon I'll end up with an epidural. I'm going to see how I get on but have been told it may be more painful cos I'm being induced.

Ideally, I'd like to get to at least 5cms with gas and air and then see how I feel about and epidural. Don't really want any opiates, I don't want to be out of it although my husband reckons I should try diamorphine just cos I can :lol:
Does the epidural hurt!? I think id be more scared of that lol xxx
I had Pethadine when I had a miscarriage and I hated the effect it had on me, I also had Morphine when I had a c-section and it made me hallucinate so i didn't much like that, I am trying to remain quite open minded about it all so will just see how I feel on the big day.

I would love to say I could do it without pain relief, but having had cramp last night and the fuss I made over that I think I won't be lasting long without any relief!!!
Bexie said:
I would love to say I could do it without pain relief, but having had cramp last night and the fuss I made over that I think I won't be lasting long without any relief!!!

LOL.. that made me smile as cramp is the worst! I actually said to my OH that i would rather go into labour than have cramp.. i said i can handle any pain in the tummy area but cramp in the calf is a no go!

If i have cramp when i'm in labour i will be screaming!

Claire x
whatever i feel like i need at the time - i dont think its something you can easily plan with your first !
.Christina. said:
wow, I have major respect for all you ladies!! Is labour not as painful as I'm guessing then... or are you all just secret ninjas or something? :rotfl:
I was like you hun! Expected to die in labour or something lol! :lol: Planned to use the works!! I got to minute on minute off (near pushing) without anything, until she turned back to back & everything started going wrong :( but before that I coped really well and you will too! Better to think the worst though I reckon, you'll suprise yourself, believe me :) :hug: xx
I had pethadine and morphine with my son but the labour was that long it had all worn off by the time he was born... they took the g&a off me too...

Although the injections worked wonders for the pain I didn't like the feeling of being spaced out all the time. I felt like I wasn't there so I won't be having it again. I haven't quite decided what I'm gonna try this time!

H x
after a nasty fall in december i had to have surgery to re-connect the nerves & tendons in my hand, i had morphine after that & i hated the way it made me feel. i was watching the patient line afterwards & it took me 45 minutes to work out i could unplug the headphones, i was wrecked!

is pethadine like morphine?
charlotte_ said:
is pethadine like morphine?
Yep! Though i think it wears off faster! I had morphine when I had my jaw op and was ill and unable for a couple of days! (I know thats not the normal reaction lol) but with pethidine I slept like a brick after the birth and was fine by the next day! (well it was diamorphine, pethidine made me puke so bad I have to have a drip to keep me hydrated! I dont work with with them kinda drugs as you can tell hahahaha)
I will also add that i personally regret having diamorphine / pethidine with my 3! I wish I could have handled less pain relief or opted for an epidural! I cant remember much of the births!
charlotte_ said:
is pethadine like morphine?

It's the same thing really only Morphine is made from opium and pethidine is the synthetic version... less addictive. It wears off faster so usually if your gonna have a long labour they give you Morphine first then if that wears off they give you Pethidine.. from what I've been told it makes your baby a bit dopey for a while too?!?

H x
^ it can do if you have it late on in the labour, my mum had it late with my little brother & he slept for nearly 24 hours after the birth!

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