What is your phobia? (if you have one?)

I didn't really have any phobias and i used to be able to pick spiders up to put them outside but since moving to oz i'm petrified of them and anything else that crawls - could be something to do with most of them being poisonous and some killing you within and hour, i had a really bad bite 3 weeks ago and i was a right mess din't know what it was from and although it has more or less gone it still itches just got a nasty scar there now as it was like a blister :shock:
hearts81 said:
How big were the snails compared to something?

At the end if I had them on my hand they were just a bit too big to fit on it properly. I have long hands. However they can get a lot bigger. Really easy to look after too.
beanie said:
hearts81 said:
How big were the snails compared to something?

At the end if I had them on my hand they were just a bit too big to fit on it properly. I have long hands. However they can get a lot bigger. Really easy to look after too.

omg would've loved to have seen them, normal snails are cute anways but giants ones would be amazing. i'm gonna google them now to find some pics :D (we've kinda gone off the phobia topic a bit lol)
I don't like spiders but I wouldn;t callk it a phobia, as I can do the glass and piece of paper rick to get rid of them.

I love those big snails! the college up the road from here was giving them away cos they had a baby boom LOL
We've already got a cat and a rabbit though so we couldn't really find room.
LOL Urchin, mine were always laying eggs which I were told would never hatch until I woke up and had 200 babies. I had to give them to a rescue place.

This was how big mine were

The snails looks lovely.

I've just seen pic of a praying mantis :shock: for some reason i thought it was a big spider lol but its obviously not. it freaked me out!!!! defo wouldn't be able to keep one of them it looks too scary
spiders, spiders i hate big fat 8 legged hairy spiders make me run a mile or freeze on the spot :(
you have all made me cringe with the talk of spiders bugs and snails :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hate spiders, if i see one i feel its on me :shock:

Hate rats and mice , eugh!

Have a thing about germs!

Im a lil weird :lol: :lol: :lol:
Mine is really weird...I have a BIG phobia of sickness, people throwing up, me throwing up makes me really hot, sweaty and panicky. Had it all my life, so learn to cope with it. And guess what...creepy crawlies dont bother me in the slightest lol!!
Jaidy I am the same as you there. Baby puke is fine, but when a person gags or chucks and I see or hear I start gagging and have panic attacks when I puke. Also clearing up cat puke does the same to me.

Also have a strange phobia of death and a more normal phobia of flying.
Oh my god Mimikins!! That sounds just like me lol, im terrible just the thought of it makes me go all shivery. Same with flying, and id never go on a boat!! I hope il be ok when im preg, its something I have to ovecome if I want a baby :?
yeah things seem to be less of a worry then but I still panic about such silly things...grrrrrr
Beanie and Hearts - nice to know there are fellow rat lovers out there, they are the best pets, but every one hates them even though they are clean animals!! i only have one rat boy now 'coco' did have 4 at one point but they all died fairly close to each other. shame they don't live very long though i have ahd a couple who were 3yrs old. Coco is just over 2 now, and has been rather neglected since baby arrived so we won't have any more for a while, sshame as i love my animals, i never been without some sort of animal be is guinea pigs, rabbits, or rats!

Friend had a pet tarrantula!! ugh... i'm ok as long as it stays IN the Vivarium!! i can cope with SMALL spiders, but anything bigger than my little finger nail and i freak! the only spider i can handle is a little money spider and still then ii really have to concentrate and think..i can't hurt me, it can't hurt me!! but hate daddy long legs, and those darn great house spiders that run so quickly - i keep extra strong fly spray or flea spray in the house as they are great for quickly blasting them or large books to squish them!! hubby tells me off and says its bad luck... sorry but itsme or the spider!!

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