What a night!

Oh christ what a nite, I know shes your sister but thats just not acceptable i mean your 6 months pregnant and havnt been having the easiest week of it and calling at that hour screaming could have put someone into labour or god knows what

Doesnt sound like the kind of responsible person Id want minding my baby but it is so difficult with family, Maybe just dont mention it for a while and see what other options you can come up with, God you so dont need the extra stress
i generally think that childcare provided for long term by family is bad bad news. grandparents will spoil kids, they will try to educate them how they think it should be and they never listen what you say as they know better and you don't have the courage to tell them do it my way because i say so like you should do with any other childcare facility.

so yep for me family is for occasional babysitting or vacation to spent time with the LO but a permeant thing is bad bad bad news
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if she's 31, she's meant everything she's done and said and your parents are encouraging her behaviour by covering her arse like that.

I know what it's like to be truely histerically scared of something and believe me you don't go 'OH I KNOW WHAT I'LL DO! I'll phone someone and get them to come adn sort this out' you'll cry histerically and not move incase it comes to get you or it's somewhere you can't see being all ninja with the nunchunks, you know as spiders do.

Silly little girl! **rolls eyes**
Exactly I have a phobia of ladybirds ha ha and I freeze if I see one! Still mad

My parents just say "she didn't mean it" grrr

id say well then she will regret saying it and stick to my guns, id not go help her or do anything for he if thats her attitude.

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