What hobbies do you have?

I love my footy, and support Liverpool (ahhhhhh unlucky chelsea!!)
I enjoy walking my dog, and i spend most weekends on the beach, Scarborough is an hour away and where im from, so each weekend we usually go to the beach and see my family and friends. My OH son has found a few fossils lately so were in to fossil hunting (total geek!!) at the moment. I just love the whole coastal thing, i used to surf (very very badly!!) but cant wait to take the kids when they ae old enough. I really miss the sea air every morning, really looking forward to moving nearer there.
:D I love footy - West Bromwich Albion
I love speedway - Cradley Heathens even though we have nowhere to ride and are looking for a track.Anyone else into speedway??

I love my pets,walking my dogs,going to dog shows,
Love listening to music,going to gigs(can't wait for the V festival)
and I love my Fiat Uno Turbo I.E. - sh*t of a shovel speed -I'm not a boy racer,it's totally original,it has been tweaked under the bonnet though 8)
Lol Bagpuss - a Fiat Uno was my first car - I loved it :D

It was a right rust bucket though and every year it would fail its MOT but I would pay for it to be fixed cos I didnt have the heart and loved it too much to get rid of it!

lol and you couldnt open the drivers side window as it would fall into the door!! :lol: - and if it rained over night I would get in it and their would be a mini paddling pool where the gear stick was . if it was raining it would also drip onto your shoulder whilst driving so I would always have a wet patch on my suit when I got to work!

Ohhhh the good old days!

When it had to go (it needed all underneath welding) I cried when I handed over the V5 to the bloke who was taking it away! He must of thought I was mental!! :roll:
:lol: :lol: lisa - mine leaks in throught the sunroof!!!I've put a bowl in before to catch the water!!! :lol: :lol:
Melanie - I support Sunderland too whohoo!!!!!! :lol: I love football and can't wait for the world cup to start, I think it's about 7 weeks till the first England game :clap: :clap:

I also enjoy shopping, but not at the mo as I can only walk a few steps before I need to stop for a rest, lol!! I like to read, go to the cinema and socialise with friends but I suppose all this is going to change when LO comes along and will have a new hobby of looking after LO!! :lol:

Yeah Bagpuss it was through the sunroof mine leaked!

L x
Hi i'm into bikes and bike racing also i go pillon on my OH bikes a kawasaki ZX6R and Honda CBR600, he does track days and i go along to do the filming. We went to British superbike race at thruxton last weekend and we are off to Donnington in July for moto GP also Beanie - sorry to say im not a rossi fan though!! love all kinds of motorsport and also a football fan Man united, but also Tottenham hotspurs widow thanks to my OH. making the most of going on the bikes before i get PG which i hope will be very soon xx Lis xx
wow, we have quite a few biker chicks hey??
hels said:
wow, we have quite a few biker chicks hey??
Yes, me too! I used to have a Honda VFR 400 - exactly the same as this one ... but I sold it when my son was little because I went through a 'feeling terribly irresponsible' stage :oops:

But it was great before that, I loved it :dance:

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